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HeadHunter automates work with Terrasoft XRM help

Customers: HeadHunter

Moscow; Internet services

Product: Terrasoft XRM
На базе: Terrasoft (basic system)

Project date: 2012/02
The project team from the customerIntegrator Consultant
Beregovsky Gennady (Chief information officer (CIO))
Lemesh Evgeny (Head PSF of Terrasoft Group)

The Terrasoft group completed in the spring of 2012 the next stage of automation of CRM processes of HeadHunter company.

In spite of the fact that the corporate HH standard are software products of Microsoft, the decision on Terrasoft XRM system implementation for automation of tasks of the CRM block was made. This choice was caused not only by technical capabilities of the software of Terrasoft, but also flexibility of the platform, the friendly interface.

Implementation of the CRM project in HeadHunter started with activity audit. Within audit by specialists of Terrasoft the assessment of the current business processes of the company, communication channels with clients, internal and external information flows was carried out and also recommendations about improvement of interaction of IT components of the company are developed.

The main environment for work of employees is the website as it accumulates all information on the existing and potential clients. Within the CRM project expanded integration with the website was configured to integrate all history of customer interaction. Thanks to this step achievement of a key project objective – automation of work of sales department of the company became possible. In the Terrasoft XRM system the mechanism of forecasting of sales on the basis of information on users of the portal is implemented. The KPI system is developed for employees and also process of charge of awards and bonuses is automated.

Significant savings of time of staff of HeadHunter sales department are reached at the expense of the organization of electronic document management - formation and vising of documents is automatic. In parallel specialists of Terrasoft automated process of control of payments and accomplishment of orders.

In addition to sales management, implementation of the Terrasoft XRM software product allowed to solve some other important tasks among which – automation of work with claims of clients.

Formation of unified information environment of the company was reached due to integration of the IT systems used in the company: Terrasoft XRM, accounting system of 1C, workflow system DocsVision, website HeadHunter.

The powerful analytical Terrasoft XRM block allows company management to obtain information, necessary for acceptance of management decisions, to create reports in different cuts, to estimate employee performance.

Optimization of internal processes and consolidation of all functions work-related with clients, in one system provided growth in sales of services of HeadHunter and increase in customer satisfaction from interaction with the company.