Customers: Head department of the state construction supervision of the Moscow region (Glavgosstroynadzor)
Contractors: Paragraph Product: Projects of IT outsourcingProject date: 2016/04
On August 1, 2016 the PARAGRAPH company announced preparation for a project startup of development of information systems for the Glavgosstroynadzor of the Moscow region.
Project Tasks
PARAGRAPH will carry out works on development of the automation system of document flow and information exchange of Head department of the state construction supervision of the Moscow region, according to the signed public contract.
Works on upgrade and development of a system provide workflow automation, since a construction object institution in a system and before its commissioning, monitoring of objects under construction in real time, updating of the web interface of the operating system.
Integration of the Glavgosstroynadzor with external IT systems will become one of the key directions of implementation of the contract. We should configure accomplishment of processes of supervisory authority of the power with integration of data transmission into the departmental systems and the portal of the public and municipal services of the Moscow region, the Moscow regional MFC, the System of technological support of regional public security and operational management "The safe region", the portal of state services of House of Moscow area, the Information system of ensuring town-planning activity and the "Accounting of Charges and Payments of the Moscow Region" system. |
By means of activity automation the Glavgosstroynadzor of the Moscow region is going to lower time expenditure and to optimize work with the construction organizations.