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HSE improves business processes with Proceset

Customers: Higher School of Economics (HSE)

Moscow; Education and Science

Contractors: Infomaximum
Product: Infomaximum: Process mining

Project date: 2024/03  - 2024/09

2024: Digitization of invoice approval process

Higher School of Economics completed the project to digitize and analyze the process of agreeing invoices for payment using technology. As Process Mining a result, the potential for accelerating the process by 50% was determined business analysts Proceset . The active vendor system was chosen as the tool, Infomaximum which announced this on October 9, 2024.

Process Mining is a technology for in-depth analysis of business processes based on objective data from information systems. Process analytics helps not only to see bottlenecks and how business processes are executed in real life, but also to ensure their continuous improvement. The Higher School of Economics has applied Process Mining to digitize and analyze the process of agreeing invoices.

The long processing time of accounts - the real pain of domestic universities - leads to delays in payments and a deterioration in relations with suppliers and counterparties. Therefore, the university set the goal of the project to optimize the process of processing accounts, aimed at reducing the time from their receipt to payment, increasing transparency and minimizing the number of errors.

For analysis, data from 3 information systems for 404 employees for 2023 were uploaded to the Proceset system. With the help of Process Mining, the process is digitized, its map is built and recommendations for optimization are proposed.

The introduction of Process Mining at the Higher School of Economics was one of the first in domestic universities and made it possible to assess the real possibilities of technology to increase the efficiency of university departments, "said Shamil Akhmetov, Vice-Rector of the Higher School of Economics. - Thanks to Proceset, we looked at the process of agreeing invoices for payment as objectively as possible. The potential for its acceleration is 50%.

Process analytics helped speed up 47% of the longest account approvals by 7 days. The introduction of electronic document management will reduce the process by another 1 day. The analysis also revealed the irrational use of employees' resources - the processing of a huge number of accounts for insignificant amounts prevented the coordination of higher priority and large payments.

Together with Infomaximum, we have obtained excellent results that will allow us to free up resources for development. Process Mining is also a tool for growing investment opportunities. HSE sees great potential in using not only Process Mining, but also Task Mining from Proceset. The next goal is to analyze the entire back office, which is more than 3,000 employees. - added Shamil Akhmetov.

Achieving process transparency is the most important task that can be solved with Proceset, "said Alexander Bochkin, CEO of Infomaximum. - And this is especially true in the field of higher education. The use of Process Mining and Task Mining technologies in universities opens up new opportunities to improve the operational efficiency and quality of education.