Customers: Holding company Fund Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2011/09 - 2011/11
Number of licenses: 60
The 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) completed the project of complex automation of the FOND Holding Company. The solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" allowed to organize operational accounting of expenses on production by separate types of products.
Earlier production, operational, personnel and accounting at the enterprise was kept in different information systems. Data exchange between divisions was complicated, managerial reports formed slowly.
Daily managers accept up to 500 orders from shops of own retail chain stores and partners, and accounting of agreements and customer appeals was conducted in spreadsheets that complicated processing of orders.
Production accounting was not automated, it was impossible to calculate precisely when and what material needs to be bought. It was necessary to keep a large supply of raw materials and materials in a stock. There was a regrading and difficulties with material issue in production. Because there was no opportunity to calculate costs by each type of goods separately, all expense amount for the period was evenly distributed on quantity of the made products. As a result the actual cost of products was distorted: cost value of inexpensive goods was overestimated, and expensive – it was underestimated that, taking into account production volumes of each type of products, led to reduction of profitability of sales.
Staff of the company more than 1000 people. At the enterprise eight options of salary accrual depending on division, the working schedule of employees are used. At the same time the salary was calculated manually that it was connected with big labor and time expenditure.
The management of Holding made the decision on implementation of the new software product which would allow to adjust operational production and inventory control, to plan the needs for raw materials and materials, to keep personnel records and to calculate the salary to the employees in one information system. After consideration of different options, the choice was stopped on the solution of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8. The 1C: Accounting and Trade 8 company (BIT) became the partner in implementation.
During the project work of production workshops, departments of supply and sale, accounting, a warehouse, economical, personnel and production and dispatching departments is optimized. As a result 60 jobs were automated, in one information system 2 bakeries, 8 production workshops, 2 finished goods warehouses and 22 retail stores in Tyumen are integrated.
Within the first 3 months of operation of a system profit on sale of own products of the enterprise increased by 12%. Operational accounting and planning of payments under agreements is organized thanks to what receivables were reduced by 10%. Managers can process daily now 1.5 times more orders, than earlier. In total during the project 60 jobs are automated.
Payroll for one thousand employees takes two days instead of ten now.