Customers: Home Credit and Finance Bank Home Credit and Finance Bank
Contractors: 3iTech (earlier 3i Technologies) Product: 3i TouchPoint AnalyticsProject date: 2020/08 - 2021/01
2021: System implementation of quality control of work of personnel of contact center
On February 9, 2021 the Home Credit Bank announced implementation of an intelligent system of quality control of work of personnel of contact center. Now all dialogs of operators not only are fixed, but also automatically without participation of controllers are checked for compliance to corporate standards. Use of artificial intelligence and sensing technologies of the speech should improve service quality and customer satisfaction of bank.
The system of speech analytics from company 3iTech in the automatic mode will recognize and processes dialogs of staff of contact centers, checks for compliance to the standards adopted in Home Credit Bank. Analysis results are visualized. Reports for work are available as non-management employees in a format of personal statistics, and to the management of departments, divisions and the company in the form of dashboards – dashbord.
For banks quality of work of call center operators – an important element of business. Therefore we pay much attention to work with personnel. The existing system assumed sampling inspection of employees and provided fragmentary information on their activity. Use of intellectual technologies opened additional opportunities for bank: now we will be able to analyze a manner of communication of the most successful employees and to share this experience with the others. And the graphical interface and the system of ratings will stimulate operators in a game manner it is better to work. All this finally will positively affect client experience and efficiency of contact center and bank in general. We are in permanent search of interesting technologies for increase in business performance and service offering to our clients. And we are open for cooperation with the innovative companies offering such technologies, - Dmitry Maslov, the director of customer service of Home Credit Bank commented. |
For Home Credit Bank – it not only an opportunity to improve work of contact center, but also a source of informative information on business and the market in general. For February, 2021 we solved one problem, having created a hi-tech control system for work of staff of contact center, and further we can expand the project, - Alexey Lyubimov believes. |
Platform 3i TouchPoint Analytics is built using neuronets and techniques of machine learning (deep learning), using NLP/NLU technologies.