Customers: Image-of this year. To Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: 1C:VDGB Product: 1C: AccountingНа базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2011/08
the construction company Imidzh-T. G. K. LLC is automated accounting and tax accounting. The choice of the 1C software product for accounting of the construction organization, is caused by the fact that this configuration developed based on the system of programs 1C: Enterprise allows to implement complex approach to automation of all participants of investment and construction process (investors, customers, contractors).
The industry solution 1C: Accounting of the construction organization gave the chance to customer company to automate work of the following sections at the enterprise:
Operational accounting of capital construction of objects at the investor, the customer, the contractor; Interaction of the investor and specialized customer; Interaction of the general contractor and subcontractors; Attraction of borrowed funds; Involvement of co-investors; Operational accounting of the additional costs arising when conducting construction (encumbrance).