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In China, began to introduce humanoid robots to assemble cars

Customers: Dongfeng


Contractors: Ubtech Robotics

Project date: 2024/06

In early June 2024, it became known that the Chinese corporation Dongfeng Motor signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Ubtech Robotics, providing for the introduction of humanoid robots into production processes. As part of the agreement, Ubtech will provide its humanoid robots Walker S to work at the Dongfeng facility in Liuzhou (an urban district in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the PRC).

Walker S robots will be used at Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor, Electrek reports. These humanoid machines, equipped with 41 servo drives, are approximately 1.7 meters tall. They are endowed with a large number of sensors that allow you to interact with objects and people. It is possible to integrate and exchange data with automated factory systems. In addition, night vision and special algorithms for perceiving space are mentioned.

Dongfeng signs strategic cooperation agreement with Ubtech Robotics

Walker S robots will perform routine tasks at Dongfeng production. These include checking seat belts, door locks, welding quality, etc. In addition, humanoids will be able to carry out some simple tasks, such as pouring oil and sticker various labels. In the future, it is expected that more complex operations will be assigned to robots. Among them, for example, is the assembly of units of the front axle of vehicles.

It is also noted that humanoid robots will be able to function in tandem with traditional automated production equipment in order to solve complex problems without human intervention. The introduction of Walker S is part of Dongfeng's larger program aimed at creating intelligent manufacturing. The appearance of humanoid robots at the plant will allow to reduce the burden on personnel.[1]
