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In Index company a CRM system "Click is implemented. Management: Basic"

Customers: Index

Novosibirsk; Advertizing, PR and marketing

Contractors: Axistem Group
Product: Click Management: Basic
На базе: Klient-Communicator (Click)

Project date: 2015/04  - 2015/09
Number of licenses: 32


September 10, 2015. The company of Cliques System announced system implementation of CRM "Click. Management: Basic" in Index company.

Goals and Objectives

The decision on automation of the company was made for the purpose of formalization and business process optimization, for reduction of temporary and finance costs by preparation of analytical data for the reporting.

Choosing a Solution

The optimal solution of assigned tasks was proposed by the Axistem Group company having in an asset the CRM system configuration "Cliques. Management: basic" which contains all basic functions for the organization of work not only with buyers, but also with suppliers and also conducting complex management accounting in the organization.

Project Progress

Before project works, specialists of Axistem Group carried out the analysis of business of the company which allowed not only to collect, to formalize and systematize requirements of Index, but also to develop the plan of further development of CRM with minimum possible risks. As a result of implementation "Click. Management: Basic" the following functions were implemented:

  • the automated start of sales at introduction of sufficient information is implemented or at registration of the partner;
  • the possibility of storage of files in a binding to any object of a system, with the automated inheritance in process of work with process is organized;
  • the settlement scheme of profitability, unique for the company, which allows to create the system of motivation is implemented;
  • work on simplification of data entry due to thin and adaptive setup of values by default is carried out;
  • printed forms of document flow and analytics are configured and automated;
  • it is developed special the mode for account managers which allowed to automate the movement on process depending on the status of the specification and also to analyze sales by advertizing platforms, with a possibility of creation planned and actual expenses with a binding to placements;
  • the system of access rights restrictions for users taking into account, including, and filial structure is customized.


The solution provided inclusion in unified managed environment of all participants of business processes of the company. Now the total number of users of a system is 32 persons. Axistem Group CRM system unrolled by specialists allowed Index company to integrate geographically distributed branches in a uniform information field, to increase efficiency of sales and to optimum build workflows of employees at all offices of the agency, representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.

"When choosing the supplier of the CRM system such factors as were considered: experience of implementation, existence in staff of the company of qualified specialists, understanding of specifics of business of the agency of Internet advertizing and the main thing - existence of the customized solution, with a possibility of additional tuning under unique tasks of our company", - the director of Indeks LLC, Anastasia Maryshina comments.