The project of automation and standardization of production and business processes in furniture factory "Infiniti"
Customers: Infiniti Furniture factory Contractors: 1C-Aviant Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2013/08
Specialists of Aviant company successfully completed automation and standardization of production and business processes in the young, but dynamically developing furniture factory "Infiniti". The industry solution of 1C company - the Management of Manufacturing Enterprise configuration became the main tool of success. Thanks to it at the enterprise there was a common information space which allowed the owner "bring order" on production, solve problems of loss of customer orders, thereby having increased trust of buyers. Besides, as a result of implementation the overall level of a company culture due to creation of the scheme of motivations of employees considerably raised. The problem of routine of the personnel at the enterprise lost the relevance.
The furniture factory "Infiniti" is producer of multifunction cabinet furniture. The Infiniti retail network extended to the largest cities and regions of Russia, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Voronezh, Ryazan and Kazan. Feature of products of Infiniti factory from other furniture producers that the Italian specialists take part in development of design.
The choice of the implementer was caused by the fact that behind shoulders of staff of Aviant company the experience gained at avtomatization and establishing business processes in such furniture enterprises as Ronikon, Shatura. Articles of the CEO of the company Sergey Mironenko sent to the help to owners of furniture business appeared on pages of the industry press more than once. All this gave to the owner to "Infiniti" confidence that game is worth the candle and the end result, not only will pay off, but will bring the company to a new round of development.
The choice of the software was quite obvious. "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is considered the most perfect and convenient system which allows to manage effectively activity of all divisions of the enterprise from accounting to logistics.
At the first meeting as a result of a business conversation the main objective of the owner was set for the implementer: receive transparency and complete management of business process. It was for this purpose decided to create the unified information system in which production, sales, warehouses and financial accounting would be conducted. The owner had to receive the mechanism allowing to control and trace a way from the customer order until its shipment.
For project implementation the standard configuration "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management" and own unique development of Aviant company Management of Services created on 1C: Enterprise platform 8 was selected.
At the first stage the staff of Aviant company performed works by description and business process optimizations.
At the second stage the majority of tasks was solved using settings of the standard software product. The number of technical specifications and completions according to standard software was minimum and was 10% of total amount of the performed works.
For creation of the unified information system at the enterprise it was decided to integrate and automate the following divisions:
- Sales department
- Production
- Customer service (delivery, assembly, damage department)
- Purchases
- Inventory control
- Marketing department
- Accounting (Managerial accounting)
Because of business features of the customer such as territorial separation of outlets, but working according to the uniform standard the decision to organize an opportunity to work with base regardless of their location for employees was made. The individual facilitated interfaces were developed for them.
Within creation of a common information space the decision to create the Web server and there to place 1C base was made. Because outlets of "Infiniti" are located not only in Moscow, but also in regions the need to organize remote work of employees with the database was revealed. The problem with quality of Internet communication on the automated outlets was at the same time solved.
Specially under specifics of the industry within a subsystem Management of services specialists of "Aviant" developed the managed document forms which allowed:
- Register orders of buyers
- Adjust orders of buyers depending on their requirements
- Obtain information on existence of goods in warehouses
- Trace a payment receipt from the client
It allowed the owner to monitor indicators of activity of the enterprise in the field of services and to manage quickly rendering services.
Within this project the decision to make the scheme of motivations for employees was made, it is connected with the fact that automation of the company in eyes of both non-management employees, and managers is the stress connected with reorganization of structure of the company, change of a system salary and also in redistribution of duties. The scheme of motivations allowed to support in employees aspiration to achievement of the goal within the new development strategy of the company. In particular, uniform systematization of accounting connected indicators of top managers with indicators of their direct subordinates. Non-management employees could see independently the problems which are present at their sections and to adjust them. A clear understanding of the one who what is responsible also for promoted calm and additional motivation of personnel of the enterprise and also reduced routine of the personnel.
As a result of automation the company passed into a single system and could be controlled more effectively due to interaction of all business processes. The owner of the enterprise had an opportunity to quickly obtain information on work on work of the enterprise and to select key indicators of work of business in general. The activities reports of the company forming in a system allowed the owner to solve problems of comprehensive planning, the analysis and control of activity of the enterprise. The problem of loss and incomplete shipment of their order practically came down to zero, t. to shipment of the order it is impossible until it is fully completed.
The CEO of factory Andrey Valeryevich Kudryavtsev notes: I always dreamed of that I had an opportunity quickly to obtain information on the current situation on any section of my business. Earlier I needed to organize meetings, to call top managers who, in turn, gave me data which I could not check. Therefore, upon, I managed business blindly. Thanks to a new system I do not have these problems any more. Owning such tool, I at any time can independently receive the report on indicators of any department, any division. I can unroll the indicators required to me, and any more without pulling anybody any more, to analyze that occurs and what actions from me as from the head, are required. The indicator, most important for us, – the profit of the company increased. Costs for implementation of a new system completely were repaid. I will separately note functionality and simplicity of a system.