Customers: Intelligent Market Contractors: ABM Cloud Product: ABM RetailProject date: 2017/11 - 2017/11
The ABM Cloud company in November, 2017 completed the project on implementation of the cloud accounting ABM Retail program for Intelligent Market shop (Ukraine).
System Selection
After market research and competitors for unlimited methodological and technical support within the rent by top managers of Intelligent Market for transition with license offline system selected the cloud accounting ABM Retail program. It was important to owners of shop to offer the due level of service to the buyers including due to business process automation.
According to ABM Cloud, the following 5 functionality of ABM Retail was important for Intelligent Market when choosing the program for sales accounting:
- Control of all processes of retail store in real time, 24/7, through the Internet, from an every spot on the globe.
- The simple interface of the program allowing to train quickly a sales personnel and to be engaged directly in sales.
- Integration into the program for accounting.
- Control of retail prices and margins, existence and remaining balance of goods, fast identification of goods.
- Integration into the professional cash front-office program.
Project Results
Thanks to the program of accounting for ABM Retail management shop of shop possesses operational information about goods, best-selling, does not mention a warehouse, knows preferences and needs of buyers. The operator of shop quickly credits goods, prints price labels then also the goods get on a regiment.
The cloud accounting ABMRetail program allowed Intelligent Market shop to pass to the automated accounting "in clouds" in 1 day without stopping of trade process. Specialists of ABM Cloud provided remote training of personnel, perform first methodological and technical support.