Customers: Interregional Resource Center (IRC) of St. Petersburg
Contractors: WebSoft (Vebsoft Development) Product: WebTutorProject date: 2017/01 - 2017/06
2017: Possibilities of flexible configuration of the boxed solution of the WebTutor system
For use of technologies of distance learning in training of government employees of St. Petersburg the staff of the corporate university of the Interregional Resource Center (IRC) looked for the platform with a certain functionality: training using electronic rates, holding polls and testing, management of training programs in the mixed format, implementation of electronic mentoring and others. As a result the electronic knowledge base was implemented in the WebTutor system. Thanks to a large number of ready templates, reports, forms in the boxed solution WebTutor and to opportunities of flexible modular configuration, profound knowledge in the field of programming was not necessary for project participants. They managed to implement stylish convenient design in use and architecture, using ready elements of a system.