Customers: Irkutskenergoremont Irkutsk; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2008/08
Number of licenses: 20
Implementation of an automated system of accounting and management based on software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" in Irkutskenergoremont Ltd is complete
Irkutskenergoremont Ltd is the largest diversified company with almost semicentennial experience in the market of power repair services. The company proposes complete solutions in the field of corrective maintenance, reconstruction and upgrade of technology equipment, communications and systems, and also modernization of the enterprises of power industry and other industries.
The production base of the enterprise is located on all region, in all large cities of the Irkutsk region: Angarsk, Bratsk, Winter, Sayansk, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Ust-Ilimsk, Zheleznogorsk, Cheremkhovo, Shelekhov;
Own production department in Nizhny Novgorod (the Volga branch is located on Autofactory Combined Heat and Power Plant LLC); powerful production base and modern diagnostic equipment; more than 2150 highly skilled workers and specialists certified both in the field of industrial safety of GGTN of Russia and in Federal Licensing Center of Gosstroy of Russia.
Due to the expansion of activity of the company there was a need for a new information system which will allow the company to create a common information space for conducting management accounting and production planning in uniform base. For the solution of this task of Irkutskenergoremont Ltd at the beginning of 2007 the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product was selected.
The reasons thanks to which the decision on implementation of a corporate information system based on this software product was made:
- a common information space for display of all financial and economic activity of the enterprise;
- a guarantee of operational entering into the system of the changes in the legislation connected with compensation;
- a possibility of simultaneous reflection of transactions in managerial and regulated accounting;
- creation of the geographically distributed systems;
- scalability;
- reliability and performance of the application solution;
- openness for studying and setup under specific features of the enterprise.
By December, 2007 the block, most important for the Customer, - a subsystem of payroll calculation and personnel records was closed. During implementation the following algorithms of calculation were processed: 1. Calculation of a price-work part of earnings from the total amount of wage fund taking into account time charges and KTU, 2. Calculation of the postage due depending on the amount of charges according to the writ of execution and wage rates of postal service.
In functionality of a standard configuration following features are added:
- application of different district coefficients for different divisions of the organization;
- an algorithm of calculation of payroll deductions of workers for delivery by transport of the enterprise depending on a worked time;
- automatic filling of a table part of the document "Registration of Single Deduction" with information presented in the form of the file of the .dbf format;
- salary transfers on employee personal accounts parts taking into account the percent of the due amount of payment set by the collective agreement;
- preparation of lists on salary transfer and alimony in electronic form of the set structure according to requirements of SCRF;
- transfer of information from software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" in 1C: Accounting 7.7 taking into account specific settings of both systems.
Transfer of historical data in a year preceding implementation was made to automate calculation of holiday charges and sick leave notes.
Under standards of the company the subsystem of personnel records was significantly finished, namely, are developed:
- new reference books: Modes of working time, Vida of hiring, Categories of the annual report, Category of the statistical recording;
- new registers of data: BS, Holidays, Price-work charges, Working conditions of workers; the register of data "The staff list of the organizations" is considerably changed;
- new documents: Correction of the holiday periods, the Agreement to the employment contract; documents are considerably changed: Employment contract, Employment, Employee transfer, Kvolneniye, Vacation schedule, Holidays;
- the algorithm of formation of data on an insurance experience and earnings in the system of the Personified accounting is considerably changed.
Upon completion of automation of a subsystem based on software "1C:Enterprise 8. Management of manufacturing enterprise" was trained the staff of customer company to conducting personnel records, payroll accounting, fixed assets and input of primary documents in the implemented program.