Customers: Ista polycrystalline glass (Electronic security systems Ukraine) Kiev; Electrical equipment and microelectronics Contractors: ERP Consulting Product: Microsoft Dynamics NAVProject date: 2010/11 - 2011/09
Functional requirements:
- Financial planning and budgeting
- Functionality of requests for payment
- Planning and control of payments, payment schedule
- Financial settlement transactions, settlings with debtors and creditors Accounting of revenue, other income, formation of a financial result
- Reporting, plan fact analysis
Management purchases/supply
- Purchasing requests
- Statements of requirement of purchase
- The organization and tendering process on delivery of Inventories, services, works
- Maintaining agreements with suppliers and contractors
- Control of obligation fulfillment under agreements and contracts
- Accounting of receivables and payables
- Conducting settlement with suppliers and contractors
Project management
- Calculation of model of the project with the different detail levels and version controls;
- Modeling of different options of planning
- Drawing up schedules of works
- Integration into Microsoft Project
- Planning of different types of resources (labor, mechanisms, materials, subcontract works)
- Integration about the estimate and program AVK-5 computer system
- Cost accounting and estimated cost of the project
- Calculation of need for material, labor and technical resources
- Formation of supply requisitions of materials, mechanisms
- Formation of requests for services of subcontractors
- Operating control of project implementation
- Reporting on project implementation (the cost statement, about calendar execution of the project, key financial indicators of the project)
- Formation of summary reports on a projects status of the company, profitability, use of resources
Management of a warehouse
- Warehouse documents
- System of multiwarehouses and responsible persons
- Lot-based, job order and on serial numbers stock accounting
Customer relationship management (CRM)
- Conducting contacts and companies
- Maintaining agreements with clients
- Control of obligation fulfillment under agreements and contracts
- Accounting of receivables and payables
Personnel, salary
- Personnel management
- Accounting of salary accruals
- Accounting of issue wage
- Accounting of payment of other charges to employees
- Accounting of transactions with advance holders
- Integration into accounting program 1C – Enterprise
- Synchronization of nomenclature reference books
- Tools of export of import of primary documents
- Tools of import of bank statements