Customers: Japonica (Osaka) Vladivostok; Logistics and distribution Contractors: Columbus Russia (Columbus Ai Ti Partner) Product: 1C: Integrated Automation 8На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2019/08 - 2020/01
2020: Implementing solution "1C: Integrated Automation"
On February 3, 2020 the company Columbus reported that rossiysko-the Japanese the company JAPONICA continues implementation of the software product "1C: Integrated Automation".
To partnership with Columbus in JAPONICA company the sheaf from the isolated information systems was used. Business development required upgrade of the existing instruments of accounting. As an end-to-end information system the product "1C: Integrated Automation" was selected from the company.
Sales management and accounting is initial were conducted in the separate systems: 1C: Accounting and 1C: Trade Management, but as the JAPONICA company aims at continuous improvement in work the decision to pass to a modern configuration 1C: Integrated Automation 2 was made.
Project Tasks:
- Obtaining reliable and operational information which would allow company management to make effective management decisions.
- Development and scaling of business.
- Automation of routine transactions which will allow to unload the employees and to increase their productivity.
- Streamlining of work with customer orders and suppliers.
- Accounting of operations on commodity import, including according to the scheme "goods in way".
- Preserving and development of address storage of goods in a warehouse.
"In tasks Columbus stood not simply to transfer JAPONICA company to absolutely other system in which they should work from scratch, and in a system with functionality, usual for the employees, but at the same time more modern. Those purposes which had to become completely reached by a result of the project: initial data are transferred, completion of requirements of the customer is performed, training is provided, business is transferred to a stage of smooth operation. Further it is going to develop updates which are in a system and which are interesting to business", |
Before deciding on the project, the company management of JAPONICA worked a set of risks. Having analyzed the market, it came to a conclusion that specialists who could implement quickly and effectively planned changes it is not enough.
"On projects the main thing not to allow a diskommunikation of commands, we build the correct system of interaction. Projects begin with audit of the company and deep immersion in specifics of activity. Not always "I want" the customer adequately it "is necessary" to the company, in it and there are features of IT consulting, we can "define and correct", and not just "define" or only "correct", 'Lyaysira Eroshenko, business the architect of Columbus noted' |
As of February, 2020 in JAPONICA company there is no large IT department therefore to them have by the way, both IT services, and Columbus consulting. In plans of JAPONICA company transfer of business in "the Industry 4.0".
"Many speak about artificial intelligence. In turn, we hope that in structure of the solution of 1C will become possible to implement the information assistant based on algorithms of machine learning who in a bigger degree automates the current business processes and will be able to think and as the Japanese traditions reign in our company we will call it Samurai, 'Andrey Nechet, the CEO of JAPONICA noted' |
In terms of automation on Workflow the first steps in this direction it is already possible to make. Columbus is ready to support and perform the ideas connected with optimization acting business processes and establishing communication with consumers, using the innovation tools – Вig Data and ML AI IoT VR AR, MR and others.