Customers: Vega Telecommunication group
Contractors: Jet Infosystems Product: Symantec NetBackupProject date: 2011/09
The telecommunication Vega group, Jet Infosystems and Symantec companies announced in October, 2011 project completion on upgrade of a backup system. SRK provides data protection from losses on 8 geographically distributed platforms – Kiev, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Donetsk, Lviv, Kryvyi Rih, Zaporizhia and Simferopol and also is capable to save and recover data of business applications, critical for the customer.
The decision on upgrade of a backup system by the management of the Vega telecommunication group (TG) was made for ensuring reliable storage, fast data recovery and a possibility of easy scaling.
According to the results of the tender the solution based on Symantec NetBackup proposed by Jet Infosystems company as the most conforming to all stated requirements was selected.
The solution is constructed based on an array of HDS AMS2500, the Master/Media-server and also tape library HP StorageWorks MSL6060. For accomplishment of basic functions of SRK – backup and recovery – software clients and agents of Symantec NetBackup are used. The client of Symantec NetBackup performs data backup of standard applications from local disks of servers on the Media-server which then with the set frequency moves the created copies on storage to tape library. In turn, the agent of Symantec NetBackup provides similar data backup of business applications (SAP, Oracle, SharePoint, etc.).
Transition to NetBackup allowed the customer to use the last developments of Symantec in the field of backup, such as built-in deduplication, expanded support of backup of virtual environments and selective recovery (Granular Recovery Technology). These technologies gave an opportunity to reach qualitatively new level of optimization of storage and speed of disaster recovery.
"Due to the development of new services load of IT infrastructure increases promptly, – Rusanov Igor, the Director of information technology of TG Vega emphasizes. – This project helped us to solve several problems at once. On the one hand, we separated data on types and received brilliant results on data recovery speed from back-up. With another – provided a system scaling option for successful implementation of future business challenges".
"The value of data constantly grows. How quickly you will be able to recover them and as reliably you store, your competitive advantages in the market, and at times and business in general in many respects depend. Therefore a backup system – one of important links of IT infrastructure. We are glad that the command of the Vega group separates our point of view. I will note accurate and harmonious joint work of three parties thanks to what the project was complete as soon as possible, and, above all – imperceptibly and without serious consequences for business", – the Director of business development in telecommunication companies "Information Systems Jett Ukraine" Konstantin Kichigin notes.
"This project left very pleasant impressions of work of the partner and demand of the solution the customer, since initialization of a task before approval and the subsequent implementation of the solution, – Krasin Alexander, the chief representative of Symantec in Ukraine noted. – We are glad that our technologies will help the company to provide business continuity and optimization of data storage".
Technical details of the project
At an inspection stage specialists of Jet Infosystems company and TG Vega analyzed the applied systems of the operator and broke them into two groups: systems containing large volumes of data, and the other systems. The multi-tier architecture of SRK based on D2D2T technology was the basis for the solution (Disk to Disk to Tape – from a disk on a disk, then on a tape film).
Data backup of the other systems which are not containing considerable information volumes is executed using the intermediate disk storage device – Disk Staging Storage Unit (DSSU). Data transmission in this case is made on LAN network. The backup copies written on DSSU are transferred afterwards to tape library. Use of DSSU allows to reduce time of data backup from a number of the applied systems and to increase utilization of the tape storage device.
The technology of backup directly on tape library is applied to data backup of the systems containing large volumes of information. At the same time as a data transmission medium the SAN network is used.
NetBackup technologies gave an opportunity to reach qualitatively new level of optimization of storage and speed of disaster recovery. For example, at data transmission, arriving from remote platforms of the customer, the copies which are on the server are compared to current status of data, and only the difference between them is transferred to storage. As a data transmission medium in this case communication channels between platforms – WAN are used.
In the project such technology of backup as back-up of these virtual machines functioning on the server of VMware is used. Thanks to technologies of virtualization in SRK Snapshot (the instant picture) of the virtual machine in that status in which it was at the time of copying is created. Process does not interfere with a full-fledged work of services. The created copy automatically moves to tape library where is until receipt of a request for recovery or the expirations of fixed term of storage.