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GK 1520 introduced a domestic digital traffic control system at the railway station "Karelsky Okatysh"

Customers: Karelian Okatysh

Product: Elteza MPC-EL

Project date: 2022/06  - 2022/12

2022: Installation of traffic control system at Novaya station

The ZHAT GK 1520 division installed microprocessor equipment of its own production at the Karelsky Okatysh station of the New Iron Ore Mining and Processing Plant in Russia (part of Severstal). The Group of Companies 1520 announced this on January 18, 2023.

The Russian microprocessor centralization of MPC-EL was introduced instead of the previously existing system based on foreign components. Automation will control the equipment of the station, control the parameters of its operation, will optimize the transportation schedule, increase the safety and reliability of the industrial railway line.

Digitalization of the Novaya station is part of the project for the construction of a cyclic-flow technology (CPT) complex in the Central Quarry of the Karelsky Okatysh Plant. The use of domestic developments made it possible, after the departure of foreign suppliers, to bring the CPT project to pilot operation.

The launch of the DPT complex will reduce the cost of production and reduce the carbon footprint - instead of dump trucks, crushed ore will be raised to the surface by inclined belt conveyors, which will reduce carbon dioxide emissions.