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HP Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is resource management, time, projects and sets of software solutions

Customers: Kaspersky Lab

Contractors: HP Russia
Product: HP Project Portfolio Management (PPM)

Project date: 2012/02
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The HP company announced in April, 2012 that Kaspersky Lab implemented the system of HP Project Portfolio Management (PPM) intended for project management in the department of researches and development. Specialists of Kaspersky Lab use HP PPM at new product development for the purpose of increase in effectiveness of resource management, time, projects and sets of software solutions.

Anti-virus technologies of Kaspersky Lab protect more than 300 million users around the world, their number includes large corporations, government agencies, the enterprises of small and medium business. The company performs the activity more than in 100 countries of the world, has representations in 29 countries, and in its state over 2.3 thousand employees are registered. In connection with so impressive growth of business in global market the department of researches and development expressed creations of the centralized control system of projects the need. Such system would allow to optimize internal processes of resource planning and to manage more effectively diagrams of project implementation.

"In recent years the number of employees of department of researches and development grew up almost three times, now in it more than 800 people work already that, naturally, led to complication of project management — Nikolay Grebennikov, the director of research and development of Kaspersky Lab comments. — The HP PPM system provides absolute transparency of work with personnel that is extremely important as the company has rather complex array structure which allows to organize simultaneous implementation of a set of technology projects. Implementation of a new system allowed us to obtain complete and operational information how there is implementation of tasks, key for us, and whether we are beyond the set restrictions on resources. It is the useful tool which helps us to make quickly decisions at the different levels, up to the Head of Department and Board of Directors of the company".

By means of the HP PPM system Kaspersky Lab increases effectiveness of resource management, time, projects and the wide range of the software solutions. Besides, thanks to the tools provided in this system, all projects concerning new product development and improvement of available are estimated in terms of their value for business. Now the department of researches and development can freely create the working groups for projects, sending to them specialists from different divisions. The system of HP allows the management to define importance of this or that project on the basis of objective data, to estimate perspectives of its implementation and, proceeding from resource requirements, to select the most priority projects. HP PPM helps to manage dependences, to distribute time and resources for development of the general components for different projects and also to build "road map" of new developments for the next one and a half years.

"For us a great honor to cooperate with Kaspersky Lab, one of leaders of the international IT market — Andrey Kutukov, the director of the department of software solutions of NR in Russia said. — We hope that system implementation of HP for project management and product portfolios will help Kaspersky Lab to achieve the best results and will visually show to IT market need of use of similar solutions for improving competitiveness of the enterprise".