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Automation of electronic archive of the documents "Kellogg"

Customers: Kellogg Rus (United Bakers - United Beykers)

Contractors: Monolit-Info
Product: ERP Monolith

Project date: 2012/01  - 2013/07
Number of licenses: 300


the Russian division of Kellogg (Kellogg Rus LLC) company the project on the organization based on ERP the Monolith of electronic archive of accounting and finance documents — one of stages of creation of the integrated electronic document management system is implemented. The old business partner and the developer of a corporate information system — Monolit-Info company became the supplier of the solution.

Project Objectives

At a boundary of 2011 and 2012 before Kellogg company there was a problem of creation of electronic archive of accounting and finance documents directed to achievement of a number of strategic objectives of business process management and the organization of accounting:

  • optimization of number of staff of financial service on remote platforms;
  • ensuring safety of originals of primary documents, trackings of their current location, collecting of the primary documents signed by partners;
  • ensuring operational providing primary documents and contracts to the staff of tax authorities on demand;
  • providing online access to primary documents and contracts of staff of the company according to their access level;
  • reduction of terms and quality improvement of closing of financial periods in accounting and management accounting.

By this moment the functionality of the IT solution used in the company from Monolit-Info already included all principal components of ECM (EDMS) thanks to what this project received base in the form of means of storage of electronic documents within ERP the Monolith at once.

Project Progress

Taking into account project parameters (more than 10,000 documents a year and over 50 users), it was decided to separate project implementation into the next stages:

  • The first stage of a system, documents on accounting of services and also contracts with partners — is implemented and put in operation in December, 2012.
  • Further consistently every month one of accounting sections was connected to the project:

o March, 2013 — fixed asset accounting o April, 2013 — accounting of Inventories o May, 2013 — accounting of overalls o June, 2013 — accounting of finished goods o July, 2013 — accounting of other transactions, such as powers of attorney, accounting of advance payments.

Since August, 2013 connection to the system of other processes and documents is executed by the staff of IT department of Kellogg company.

In 2013 the main works on implementation of the modules ERP Monolith "Demand Forecasting" and "Sales planning" are performed. The implemented solution will allow specialists of service of marketing and forecasting to make deeper and exact analysis of the saved-up data on primary and secondary sales for previous periods given about planned marketing and a trade - marketing actions.

The tasks solved during the project

During the project the following tasks were solved:

  • tracking of documents for which there are no electronic documents of certain types;
  • tracking of electronic documents for which input of the document is not executed;
  • control of existence of primary documents in archive;
  • tracking of obtaining originals of documents when input of the document in a system is executed on the basis of the copy of the document;
  • a possibility of loading, including group, earlier scanned primary documents with preliminary compression, with recognition of a barcode and linking with earlier created documents of a system;
  • mailing of information on the taken place events with electronic documents (appointment the processing user / fact ED / readdressing user / failure in processing);
  • maintaining the folder registry, with indication of the history of the statuses for each folder and the address of storage of the folder in archive.

Main advantages of the implementable solution

The solution implemented within the project — an important stage of creation of the electronic document management system which is closely integrated with functionality of the IT solutions used in Kellogg company from Monolit-Info. It is necessary to carry to its advantages:

  • A possibility of storage of the electronic documents (ED) of any types (with a binding either to the document ERP systems, or to an element of any qualifier)
  • The integrated interface of work with documents when information on the structured aspect of the document (title characteristics, the amount, lines and so forth), about a document approval process (history and comments of reviewers) and about all unstructured information relating to the document is at the same time available to the user (the documents MS Office, scans, images and so forth)
  • Line scanning of incoming documents allows to optimize structure of accounting, giving the chance of territorial diversity of functions of acceptance, input and storage of the primary document. I.e. the document can be received and loaded into a system in branch, and is processed by the accountant in the headquarters. At the same time the [paper] original document can be placed at first in archive of branch, and then is moved on permanent storage to the main archive of the company already without coordination with the course of processing of this document in a system

The project defined a circle of opportunities for further development in this direction, namely: more effective use of a corporate information system which core is "ERP Monolit", optimization of the existing business processes of work with the entering accounting documents, automation of other functions leading to creation of the end-to-end system of electronic document management covering the maximum circle of finance documents and the maximum number of key business processes.

Ilya Filipson, Chief information officer of Kellogg Rus LLC: "The project on creation of electronic archive of accounting and finance documents allowed us to optimize structure and loading of accounting services and also to increase document flow speed — primary input of documents in a system accelerated and access rate to primary documents grew at tax and audits. The coordinated work of all services in interaction with the reliable and checked partner in the field of IT – "Monolit-Info company became guarantee of successful project implementation".
Alexander Plotkin, development director of Monolit-Info Ltd: "Our solution which architecture provides the subordinated role of unstructured content in relation to accurately organized ERP models corresponds to trends in development of information systems of the companies with intensive document flow. For such companies it is inefficient to support both large Enterprise resource planning and a large ECM system, using them, actually, for the same processes. Being focused on solutions for the companies of national scale, we support this vector of development and principal components of ECM (EDMS) included in structure of functionality of the products. In modern global economy only those companies which effectively manage all the business processes can strategically plan and provide implementation strategic, tactical and operational the solutions necessary for providing the purposes of business".