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Kerama Marazzi chose information security solutions "SearchInform" to protect business

Customers: Kerama Marazzi

Construction and construction materials industry

Contractors: SearchInform
Product: Information security Kontur SearchInform (CIB Serchinform)
Second product: SearchInform SIEM

Project date: 2024/03  - 2024/09

2024: Implementation of SearchInform CIB and SearchInform SIEM

Ceramic tile manufacturer Kerama Marazzi uses the products of the SearchInform ecosystem to comprehensively protect business and assess personnel productivity. The history of cooperation between the companies began in 2019. As of October 2024, the SearchInform CIB and SearchInform SIEM DLP systems have been deployed in the Kerama Marazzi IT infrastructure. SearchInform announced this on October 2, 2024.

The main criteria in favor of choosing SearchInform CIB were: the ability to control popular information transmission channels, rapid system implementation, simplicity and ease of administration, as well as the creation of flexible detailed reports in the Analytical Console.

As a result, after the pilot, Kerama Marazzi installed almost all SearchInform CIB modules, including ProgramController, which collects data on employee activity in various applications. This allows you to objectively assess the effectiveness of personnel.

We have known the solutions of SearchInform for a long time. We know that they work efficiently, so we made a choice in favor of DLP and SIEM of this domestic vendor. For example, since the launch of the CIB, we have stopped several information security violations. Quitting employees copied technical documentation and payroll to removable media. These incidents were able to identify and prevent information leakage in time, "said Oleg Antsiferov, deputy director of the Kerama Marazzi security service. - CIB helps the company comply with the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FZ, protect PD and other confidential data, identify many information security incidents and provide management with detailed analytical reports.

Kerama Marazzi also notes in CIB the ability to control remote employees using an interactive map. Real-time results are displayed on the map in Analytic Console, where filtering is available by user and country, individual employees, and department.

Since we have many employees working remotely, this functionality turned out to be especially useful for the company. For example, recently during monitoring, they revealed a connection to the corporate network from the Japanese IP-address. We do not have offices in Japan. For October 2024, we are checking, - said Oleg Antsiferov. - I also liked that you can control activity with, files copying a large volume to flash drives. Everything is clearly presented in Analytic Console, no additional configuration was required.

Increases the security of the company and SearchInform SIEM. The system collects and analyzes a large stream of information security events at different points in the infrastructure for high-quality investigation of incidents.

We store and process a large amount of information, so it is important for us that the company's IT infrastructure, client applications are reliably protected. We assessed that the solution works out of the "box" and it can be immediately operated without a long preliminary configuration, - said Oleg Antsiferov.

Kerama Marazzi has implemented the main information security solutions to ensure internal information security. The systems are integrated with each other, which increases the level of information security of the company and makes it possible to fully investigate incidents and collect evidence, "said Alexey Parfentiev, Deputy General Director for Innovation at SearchInform. - Thus, CIB offers effective tools for investigation and prevention. The system notifies about an attempt to "drain" information and shows exactly how this data got to the insider. And "SearchInform SIEM" provides a comprehensive understanding of what is happening in the company's IT infrastructure and identifies failures and violations in it.