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The Tomsk network "Lama" cut down expenses using technologies of self-service

Customers: Lama (Tomsk)

Tomsk; Trade

Product: Kristallservice: Set Retail
Second product: CSI: Set SCO

Project date: 2020/04  - 2020/10

2020: Implementation of cash desks of self-service

The Tomsk network Lama Group cuts down expenses, offering buyers of technology of self-service. The CSI company reported about it on November 13, 2020.

Lama Group (Tomsk) integrates 63 shops on November, 2020. The IT department of network applies relevant developments to increase in efficiency – and since 2020 in shops implementation of technologies of self-service began. The pilot project on implementation of cash desks of self-service was started in one of SPAR hypermarkets – in 10 days 34% of buyers of shop used them. Expenses on FOT of outlet were cut down for 22.5%.

The shop for "pilot" was selected because of arrangement from the residential district with a big share of youth audience and a high rate of non-cash payment – 69% at an average value of network of 60%. After in-depth examination of its characteristics of analytics of CSI carried out calculations and offered option of design of a zone of self-service for fast achievement of key performance indicators. The project was started with remote support of CSI by forces of the Tomsk partner company.

The zone with KSO replaced department of express cash desks which opened in peak hours and holiday days, and in the rest of the time stood idle. Need for time cashiers expanded FOT of outlet and required additional costs on personnel recruitment. With installation of KSO costs on FOT – were reduced of the island from 4 cash desks enough one assistant cashier.

The Set Retail system for classical cash desks and Set SCO for cash desks of self-service are integrated with external systems of loyalty which are used by Lama Group – Loymax and Supra. At the checkout it is possible to pay in bank cards and bonuses of Supra.

Igor Chechulin, head of self-service of CSI:

The project passed in active interaction with IT department of the client – we quickly obtained data, discussed outputs.

The share of cashless payments in shop grew by 12%, the general gain of traffic is mentioned. The average time of passing of KSO – 1.5 minutes. The situation with a coronavirus which was difficult to be expected at the time of project planning became one of factors of popularity of this payment method of purchases.

Security on the cash register line in shops of network is watched by a control system of the cash transactions Set Prisma.

In plans at the retailer – application launch Scan&Go based on the current mobile application of loyalty, it is developed by own programmers of Lama Group. Buyers will be able to scan the purchases in a trading floor that at the checkout of self-service just to pay them.

Elena Kachesova, Chief information officer of Lama Group:

Despite conditions in which we appeared at the height of the project the zone of self-service opened in time and we quickly came to good indicators of traffic. With cash desks of SCO we reduce costs, and it is more convenient to buyers to shop. Let's develop this direction with assistance of CSI.