Customers: Levi Strauss Moscow Contractors: Directum Product: SynerdocsНа базе: Directum (EDMS/ESM system) Project date: 2015/11 - 2019/11
2019: Connection to Synerdocs service
On December 18, 2019 the Directum company announced connection of Levi's company to Synerdocs service. Connection became a starting point for full-scale transition of the retailer to electronic document management (e-document flow). Using a paperless format of interaction, the company accelerated internal business processes and optimized work with partners on a number of documents.
For December, 2019 the company conducts works on start of paperless document flow with external partners through Synerdocs service. It will allow to pass completely to an electronic format of signing and will reduce time of return of agreements.
Failure from paper way bills became one more round in process automation. For "Levi Strauss Moscow" it was more difficult task as three legal entities participate in exchange of TRILLION at once: consignor, consignee and transport company. Plus is added the individual — the driver.
Test exchange of electronic way bills took place in 2018 between Levi’s and 3-PL FM Logistic operator. Documents on the cargo dispatched from a warehouse situated near Moscow to Moscow were exposed in Synerdocs service. The driver carried clothes, footwear and accessories on shops of corporate network Levi's. Thus, the first experience of transfer of ETRN took place successfully.
For December, 2019 Levi Strauss Moskwa LLC actively exchanges way bills with Wildberries and in the near future is going to start this process in internal transportations with own shops. It will allow the company to accelerate business processes, and to the parties — to increase control over movement of goods.
Transition to e-document flow became continuation of the concept of eco-friendly production to which Levi’s adheres, besides:
- terms of signing of documents were reduced to 2-3 days;
- return of already signed copies from partners is performed within an hour;
- the unified register of documents was created and online access to it appeared;
- operating expenses were reduced;
- costs for transfer and storage of paper decreased;
- employees of warehouses and shops began to save up to 30 minutes of working time on each transaction of shipment.
"We came to I understand that it is necessary to motivate partners on transition to use of e-document flow. It is connected not only with our desire, the initiative goes for development of electronic document management also from the state. We are going to pass with TORG-12 to universal transfer documents and to use them with all our partners, and as a part of UPD to transfer codes of goods marking", 'Stanislav Korotygin, the head of department of IT of Levi Strauss Moskwa LLC noted' |
"We support the initiative of Levi Strauss Moskwa LLC in transfer to an electronic form of new document types for exchange with partners. In 2019 specialists of Levi's and Synerdocs held a series of webinars for partners of retailer where they covered the main objectives and benefits from transition to electronic interaction. Such method of communication with partners allowed to answer quickly questions and in short terms to start implementation of a paperless format of cooperation. In addition to acceleration of processes of document flow, we through joint efforts solve a problem of transfer of codes of goods marking that will also favorably affect work with partners of Levi's", 'Evgeny Kuznetsov, the Manager on development of clients of Synerdocs noted' |
In 2018 in Levi’s implemented the project on management of lifecycle of agreements. The company has more than 100 partners who are scattered through the whole country. Two once a year with an exit of a new collection of clothes the next supplementary agreement is signed — without which further shipment of goods is impossible. Signing includes two stages: the first — approval in Levi’s, the second — from the partner taking into account a time available for delivery and return of the document. Earlier at paper document flow approval in the company took a lot of time. Implementation of business solution based on DIRECTUM allowed the retailer to accelerate considerably this process, besides, a system helped to control return of signed documents from partners.
In 2017 in Levi’s based on Synerdocs service a transfer of TORG-13 in an electronic form was made.
Work with paper TORG-13 was labor-consuming. About 100 transactions in a month are the share of each outlet, and it is required to process to delivery on four sets of documents. Expenses on printing, transfer and maintenance of archive were rather big. Plus remained risk of loss and damage of delivery notes. Transfer of TORG-13 to an electronic form became a logical step for the company.
Pluses of transfer of TORG-13 to an electronic form:
- Warehouse workers, sellers and accountants got rid of a considerable part of the routine tasks connected with printing, transfer, a design and archiving of paper documents.
- Responsibles of Levi's shops sign TORG-13 with the strengthened qualified electronic signature that accelerates approval process.
- Work with delivery notes on internal transfer is completely automated and does not take away excess time.
Transfer to an electronic form of warehouse documents which Levi’s exchanges with logistic providers became the next stage on the way to automation.
The special place in activity of the trading companies is taken by documents MH-1 (acts of reception-transmission of inventory items on storage) and MH-3 (acts of return of the inventory items checked). Because of enormous volumes paper MX any modern retailer aims to get rid of them.
During the project exchange of MX is completely transferred to an electronic form and looks as follows:
- the Employee of a warehouse where the goods are stored, creates and signs with the MX qualified electronic signature (further — KEP) and sends to Levi’s.
- Products are brought to shop. Through Synerdocs the document is received by the representative of retail chain stores and signs KEP.
- the act of MX Vised by both parties can be stored both in service, and in a corporate information system.
In 2016 in Levi’s began to use Synerdocs for exchange of TORG-12 with Wildberries and TORG-13 with own shops.
"Quickly enough we understood that Synerdocs gives serious advantages. First of all, this significant acceleration of all processes and cost reduction. Further transition to e-document flow was initiated already in the company, in particular, the speech about exchange of documents TORG-13 in electronic form", |
The main channel of business development Levi’s in Russia are sales through retail stores. Deliveries from a warehouse go to some outlets of Moscow daily. The most mass document for the retailer, thus, is TORG-13 — the delivery note on internal transfer of inventory items.
Transition of Levi's to electronic document management began in 2015 at the suggestion of the key wholesale partner of Wildberries. Then the online store announced to suppliers that it refuses paper consignment notes of TORG-12 and suggests to conduct document flow through operators of e-document flow.