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Customers: Megapharm

Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Contractors: Systola
Product: SystoLINK

Project date: 2009/07  - 2009/08

Due to the active growth of business the management of MEGAPHARM made the decision on formation of secure channels for remote work of employees. Need for it was caused as well by the fact that for preserving of company competitiveness it was important to increase efficiency of acceptance of management decisions taking into account the data collected by remote workers.

As the software product capable to provide requirements of MEGAPHARM, the SystoLINK platform and the solution for multi-factor authorization of SystoLOCK was selected.

SystoLINK is the innovative system solution of the organization of work for corporate clients, full-fledged virtual office with a full range of tools for work where first of all attention is paid to security, reliability and fault tolerance. It is the modern superprotected working platform giving the chance to store and process any information, to use the unlimited technical power and the extensive software which is outside your computer, office, the city and the country.

SystoLOCK is the solution for multi-factor authorization. SystoLOCK generates one-time passwords which can be used for login only once. Even if such password will be stolen, infrastructure of your company remains under protection as such password cannot be used twice.

"We analyzed the solutions presented at the market, and made a choice for benefit of the SystoLINK platform, – the CEO of MEGAPHARM company Susanne Gemeiner tells. – Among advantages of SystoLINK which influenced our choice there were worked and absolutely safe mechanisms thanks to which we had an opportunity to store and process any data which are on computers of employees in other city and even the country. At the same time even if the device will be lost (and from it nobody is insured, especially at distant travel), strangers will not be able to get access to data, crucial for our business,".

Implementation of the SystoLINK platform and the solution SystoLOCK was carried out in only 1 month. Within the project the solution covered a number of business processes: office-work, business correspondence and telephone communication. It allowed to create full-fledged mobile office for work of 15 remote workers and their interactions with head office of the company.

"The SystoLINK platform is an optimal solution for such business in what the MEGAPHARM company is engaged, – Roman Kuznetsov, the CEO of Systola company considers. – It is possible to work with the SystoLINK platform from any mobile device, whether it be the smartphone or the tablet on Windows, Mac, iOS – needs only Internet connection. At the same time all infrastructure to which the user is connected is reliably protected by modern firewalls. To prevent listening of traffic, all connections to resources are performed on encrypted links of communication. Besides personal data of the client can be also ciphered for prevention of access for strangers to them. The management of MEGAPHARM can be quiet for safety of important corporate information".

The MEGAPHARM company calls the project successful, and the selected solution – effective and very reliable. Thanks to implementation of costs for IT security it was succeeded to reduce almost to zero. Besides, due to remote work of a number of employees the company reduced housekeeping overheads of office. Use of Internet automatic telephone exchange allowed to conduct negotiations on secure channels and to make calls from any place in the world. Top managers had an opportunity to make management decisions more quickly, based on up-to-date and exact information.

As practice of use of the SystoLINK platform showed, the solution was convenient and for end users. Training in work with the platform takes not enough time, and advantages it gives very essential. First of all, employees had an opportunity for work according to the diagram flexible, convenient to each of them – according to requirements, load or time zones of the region in which they are at present. It led to an increase in labor productivity of remote workers by 2-3 times.