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The management of improvement of Birobidzhan upgraded lighting of city streets

Customers: Management of transport, highways and improvement of Birobidzhan

Contractors: Lanit-Partner
Product: Complex projects of creation of the engineering systems

Project date: 2017/02  - 2017/04

On May 16, 2017 the press service of LANIT-PARTNER company announced replacement of lamps in the system of city illumination of Birobidzhan with energy saving lamps. Project orderer Management of transport, highways and improvement of the mayor's office of Birobidzhan.

Project Tasks

In February, 2017 the Lanit-Partner company signed the power service contract with Management of transport, highways and improvements of the mayor's office of Birobidzhan for the five-year period. Under the terms of the contract the company increased power efficiency of street lighting: lighting elements of 2027 city lamps replaced LED.

The line of lighting in Birobidzhan, (2017)

Project Results

Investments into the project were made by the company contractor, it acted as the investor and performed all works on own account. It is supposed that costs will be compensated from the budgetary funds received as a result of economy by means of implementation of energy-saving technologies. According to the contract, the first results of this project will become obvious in May, 2017.

During implementation of the contract we replaced all outdated city gas discharge lamps in Birobidzhan with energy saving diode lamps with a working resource more than 100 thousand hours that makes about 10 years of continuous work. For ensuring necessary illumination our specialists set 13 types of lamps depending on operating conditions and requirements of GOST. We will service lamps within five years – throughout operation of the contract.

Alexander Zakharov, director of the department of project management LANIT-PARTNER

Commissioning of the lighting equipment on streets of Birobidzhan will allow to receive economy of an expense of the electric power to 60-70%, to lower annual city housekeeping overheads of street lighting and to reduce the number of road accident and offenses at the expense of the best illumination of roads.

Evgeny Ponomaryov, head of department of transport, highways and improvement of city administration of Birobidzhan