Manhattan Rial Estate Management controls duration of the working day of employees biometric technologies
Customers: Manhattan Rial Estate Management Moscow; Consulting, including managerial and personnel Contractors: BioLink Solutions Product: BioLink BioTimeProject date: 2012/08 - 2012/10
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The BioLink Solutions company announced on October 31, 2012 system implementation of a time recording and access control of BioTime in "Manhattan Rial Estate Management" management company.
Top management of "Manhattan Rial Estate Management" gives special attention to rational use of working time of personnel. The PIN codes, passwords, cards applied to fixing of time of arrival of employees for work and leaving from it can be transferred with ease to other person — so, according to BioLink Solutions, with practice when one person with lots of cards notes arrival/leaving "for himself and for that guy", 90% of the foreign companies face.
The management of "Manhattan Rial Estate Management", following the best examples of world practice, selected the system based on identification of employees on fingerprints.
During a system implementation project at the central office of management company and also in all shopping centers biometric terminals with the optical fingerprint scanners which are built in them are installed.
Besides, BioTime is integrated with the 1C: Enterprise platform, it allows to determine precisely the amount of salary of employees in strict accordance with the number of hours worked. In several shopping complexes biometric terminals implement also functions of control of physical access that increases return from use of the solution. Total number of users of a system is more than 100 people and continues to grow.
According to the customer, system implementation of BioTime raised labor discipline of staff of management company and level of their responsibility for process and results of the activity. Also the efficiency of the service of personnel saved from formation of numerous reports manually and locating now up-to-date, comprehensive and reliable information about observance by employees of requirements of internal rules and procedures increased. Any inaccuracies and other errors which would be inevitable when maintaining hand-written registers of working time, using PIN codes or cards are also excluded.
"Activity of each of our shopping centers is directed to formation of the most comfortable situation both for tenants, and for visitors. Installation of the BioLink BioTime system promoted achievement of this purpose, and our employees began to realize even better the value of the working time — Natalia Borovskaya, the head of the HR department commented on project results. — Now it should not be spent for input of PIN codes or search of a card — biometric technologies were not only effective, but also extremely convenient and exact".