Customers: Mashalyans (Machine-building alliance) Moscow; Mechanical engineering and instrument making Contractors: Cloud4Y (Fleks LLC) Product: Cloud4Y IaaSSecond product: Cloud4Y Virtual desktop (VDI) Project date: 2020/05 - 2020/11
2020: Transfer of IT infrastructure in a cloud
The Cloud4Y company announced on December 16, 2020 providing the GPU server for the company Mashalyans.
The Mashalyans group under the leadership of Chernykh Anton Anatolyevich since 2015 is engaged in development and production of unique parts, units, technologies, processes and also carries out other tasks for needs of the enterprises of a metallurgy, petrochemical and machine-building sector. Uses advanced technologies in a reverse engineering, virtual engineering using 3D - technologies (scanning) of the fulfilled products, with the subsequent creation of mathematical models and working off of processes in the information systems ProCAST, Ansys, etc.
"Машальянс" it is known in the market thanks to the accuracy and development of the models. In the company the enterprises of different level also handle different complexity of tasks. But with growth of number of orders the existing IT infrastructure was incapable to cope with calculation of models quickly. Therefore there was a question of upgrade of the park or use of cloud computing.
The choice fell on "clouds". They did not require big one-time investments into the equipment and allowed to lower load of own staff of IT specialists. Besides, cloud solutions on the IaaS model can offer practically any performance during any time frame with consumption payment after delivery. It is especially important in a situation when modeling and virtual engineering are required not every day, and from time to time.
After market research of Mashalyans Engineering requested test access from corporate cloud provider of Cloud4Y for drawing of 3D models. Testing of GPU servers took place successfully, and the company decided to get over on this cloud platform.
In addition to GPU, the company also the service of Cloud4Y "Remote Desktop" which allowed the staff of Mashalyans to carry out predesigns and demonstrations directly at the customer, without binding to a workplace interested. It allowed to increase efficiency of sales and to increase loyalty of customers.
Having personally convinced of advantages of cloud computing, the company planned further optimization of regular IT infrastructure. Shortly accounting of Mashalyans also will move to a cloud of Cloud4Y.