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"Aircraft engine" encourages BYOD and controls

Customers: UEC Aircraft engine

Perm; Mechanical and Instrument Engineering

Contractors: Croc
Product: McAfee Enterprise Mobility Management

Project date: 2013/04  - 2013/05

Staff of Aviadvigatel company got secure access to the main corporate applications of the enterprise using personal mobile devices. Upgrade of management systems and control was performed by CROC company, the press service of integrator reported on May 13, 2013.


"Corporate "mobilization" is a magnificent opportunity to solve business challenges of our enterprise, to organize work of employees irrespective of where they are. But disturbed us that use of raznoplatformenny devices significantly increases risks of leakage of confidential data. After project implementation specialists of JSC Aviadvigatel had an opportunity of remote and safe work with business applications on the mobile devices" — Sergey Bormalev, the director of information technology of JSC Aviadvigatel emphasized.
"According to data of analysts, in Russia 55% of office employees use mobile devices at work. However the Russian business seriously thought of development of the measures for data protection getting to personal devices of workers, only about two years ago. This problem is especially relevant for the companies with the state in 300 and more specialists – in Aircraft engine, for example, more than 2.5 thousand people work. The cost of information of such organizations is higher, than expenses on its protection" — Konstantin Astakhov, the head of portal and mobile solutions of CROC company noted.


In the project the complete solution is used: A MDM system mobile devices and a subsystem of SSL VPN of Check Point company – provides secure access to internal information resources of the enterprise for centralized operation.

"Thanks to integration of two solutions in Aircraft engine access rights of users to different information resources of the enterprise are differentiated and confidentiality of data is provided by their transfer on open communication links — Anton Razumov, the head of group of security consultants of Check Point Software Technologies company reported. — It is important that as a result of system implementation it was succeeded to ensure safety of information on mobile devices and to implement the centralized software distribution and updates".
"Heads of IT departments predict steady growth of level of distribution of BYOD in the next two years: 63% expect increase in a share of the devices belonging to employees. A task of the companies working in the field of IT security — to propose to business solutions which provide the same level of protection and control over mobile devices which is applied by IT services to personal computers" — Ruslan Barbashin, the head of department of sales of McAfee in Russia and the CIS said.