Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Mechanics, group (Deductor)

Customers: Mechanics, group

Moscow; Mechanical engineering and instrument making

Product: Deductor

Project date: 2009/04



A huge number of the available nomenclature positions (tens of thousands) brought to the forefront a problem of automatic formation of orders of goods and optimization of warehouse stocks. That delivery time of parts on a warehouse from the moment of the order is big it is necessary with an adequate accuracy to know how many it will be required parts in the future.

As further the task list will increase, there was a need for the choice of the analytical tool which would have as universal mechanisms of integration with the accounting systems and would allow to solve the current problems of the analysis, and mechanisms of scaling and expansion for the solution of future tasks.


For the solution of an assigned task as an analytical system the Deductor platform was selected. The developed mechanisms of import/export and the built-in support of MS SQL Server DBMS allowed to integrate easily Deductor with the accounting system used in the company.

The solution based on Deductor in the company

As a result within the implemented project the following tasks were solved:

  • Operational multidimensional data analysis;
  • Automatic creation of forecasts;
  • Formation of orders of goods items;
  • Optimization of warehouse stocks;
  • Data loading, creation of the forecast, formation and export of orders to the accounting system are executed in the automatic mode.

The started system allowed to solve assigned tasks and also prepared the platform for future accumulation of analytical capacities.


...... One of components of success is use of the analytical Deductor platform. The predictive model constructed using it allows to support available in a warehouse the richest range, offering clients not only the minimum prices, but also providing with the complete technical information, including directories and the software. To all other Deductor it was easily integrated with the accounting system used in the company......

CEO Yu.V. Kormilitsin