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Microsoft provided algorithms of quantum computings for detection of cancer

Customers: Case western reserve University (Case Western Reserve University)

Science and education

Contractors: Microsoft

Project date: 2018/05

In May, 2018 the Case Western Reserve university announced the conclusion with Microsoft of the agreement which will allow to integrate algorithms of quantum computings of Microsoft with magnetic and resonant "dactyloscopy" — a technique of MRT developed by Case Western. The best detection of malignant tumors should become result as researchers assume.

Case Western develops technology of magnetic and resonant "dactyloscopy" to increase the accuracy of MRT-researches. This technique consists in generation of the sequence of accidental impulses with different parameters therefore researchers receive the scanning images containing much more than information, than normal MRT-cuts at once. The combination of these signals pours out in specific option of "fingerprints" — a unique sample of a certain fabric. Thanks to the unique drawing of these "prints" on scanning images it is possible to distinguish separate fabrics. The task consists in defining the best pulse sequence and the MRT parameters for achievement of the best efficiency of scanning.

Microsoft provided algorithms of quantum computings for detection of cancer

Microsoft is going to optimize pulse sequences, having provided them in shape which the quantum computer is capable to process. The algorithm of optimization will be applied to increase in diagnostic capability of MRT. 

It is not the first case of cooperation of Case Western and Microsoft. Together with Microsoft and the Clevelend clinic the university worked on the idea of use of Microsoft Hololens, technology of augmented reality that would allow medical students to apply to studying of anatomy of the hologram, but not corpses. Students of the Case Western university used the technology which is not released on the broad market for other projects yet.

According to the press release, the command working with magnetic and resonant "dactyloscopy" is going to use HoloLens technology for creation of three-dimensional model of results of scanning.

Ultimate goal of cooperation of the university and Microsoft is reduction of time of MRT-scanning and obtaining more exact results.[1]
