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The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation will completely switch to Russian software by the end of 2024

Customers: Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

Moscow; State and social structures

Product: Astra Linux Special Edition
Second product: RusBITech-Astra: ALD Pro

Project date: 2023/10  - 2024/12

2024: Transition to Astra Linux and ALD Pro

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is transferring its central office to OCAstra Linux and the ALD Pro domain management system. In 2023, the first licenses were purchased, and by the end of 2024, it is expected that all jobs of the department's employees will be transferred to domestic software. Astra Group announced this on May 31, 2024.

Cooperation with the vendor and the first project started in 2023, and by the end of 2024 it is planned to expand the project to the entire central office. The first successful experience of cooperation allows us to talk about its further replication to other subjects of the cultural industry.

In order to successfully and timely implement such a large-scale project, the employees of the Central Office GIVC of the Ministry of Culture and the Astra Group team are actively cooperating, adhering to a jointly developed integrated approach. In addition to assistance in pi-lotting and implementation, software the vendor promotes the high-quality transfer of its unique product and methodological expertise by training employees of the Ministry of Culture and the State Research Center of the Ministry of Culture with a variety of levels IT of training at certified courses in their authorized training centers. The training program is designed for 2024 and is designed to help departments get relevant expertise and experience with, Linux which ultimately simplifies the process of switching to Russian. ON

Modern technologies play a significant role in preserving cultural heritage for future generations, therefore, by the end of this year, it is important for us to ensure a qualitative transition from foreign solutions familiar to many, to Russian counterparts, in order to avoid sanctions risks and minimize financial costs. To do this, we need not only to purchase licenses and install software, but also to have access to methodological advice, advanced technical support services, training and comprehensive IT support. Starting the implementation of the digital transformation project, we analyzed the offers presented on the market and chose Astra Group as a supplier partner, since the company not only supplies optimal products in its class, but also actively helps customers with migration and further software operation. In May 2024, there is an active discussion of the creation of a competence center on the basis of the State Research Center of the Ministry of Culture with Astra Group for the most effective work with the cultural industry, "said Alexei Vasilyevich Naimushin, Deputy Director of the Department of Cinematography and Digital Development of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

We are grateful to the Ministry of Culture and the Main Information and Computing Center of the Ministry for trust and are aimed at long-term cooperation, as well as with other federal executive bodies. At all stages of digitalization of the department, according to the program calculated until 2030, our specialists will comprehensively support the transition of the industry to import-independent solutions: share the expertise developed over several years with IT personnel, help to increase competencies in the field of application of domestic technologies and train users. Of course, we intend to directly interact both with the ministry itself and the GIVC, and with cultural institutions: theaters, museums, libraries, film studios, etc. - especially since such work is already underway, - said Andrei Klimov, director of work with key clients of Astra Group.