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Lenovo delivered 1000 Tab M10 HD tablets for school students of the Republic of Tyva

Customers: Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tyva

Kyzyl; Government and social institutions

Product: Lenovo Tab-series

Project date: 2020/03  - 2020/06

2020: Delivery of 1000 tablets

On July 10, 2020 it became known that the company Lenovo delivered 1000 tablets Tab M10 HD for school students of the Republic Tyva in partnership with the companies ALFA technologies and Marvel Distribution within implementation national program by training Ministries of Education of the Republic of Tyva.

Many Russian schools in the remote parts of the country were not ready to the self-isolation mode. Educational institutions still continue to need hardware of classes. Transition to remote training revealed still a big problem — not all pupils of the house have a personal computer or the notebook. Children from needy families were almost completely deprived of an opportunity to be engaged and prepare for examinations in house conditions.

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tyva quickly reacted to the changes caused by COVID-19 and began the main initiator and the customer of devices which gave the chance to school students to continue training. The Lenovo company acted as the supplier, having provided 1000 Lenovo Tab M10 HD tablets.

Colleagues from ALFA technologies company appealed to us to help with delivery of devices. We understood that modern realities forced school students and teachers to pass very sharply to online training, and many were not ready to it at all. The situation required fast response as many pupils of schools risked to be torn off from educational process and to lose an opportunity to prepare for the coming examinations — Olga Yunson, the manager of the direction of tablet solutions in a commercial segment, Lenovo Russia tells.

Within two weeks the ALFA technologies command with assistance of Marvel Distribution implemented a centralized delivery of 1000 devices and also undertook obligations for all accompanying complex of logistics and warranty services within the public contract.

Pupils of high school will be under a serious stress and pressure in a set-up time to examinations and entrance tests in universities. Self-isolation matched a stage of intense training to them that could not but add nervousness. — Anton Belikov, the commercial director of ALFA technologies told. — It was necessary to perform delivery of tablets in the shortest possible time. Together with partners we managed to react quickly to a request of the Ministry, to help pupils not to lose touch with teachers and also to organize them access to necessary resources for education.


The project covered 19 municipal entities and 180 schools of the Republic of Tyva. Pupils of 9 and 11 classes for preparation for state exams use tablets. Lenovo Tab M10 HD became the correct assistant for school students during house training.

After examination tablets will be transferred to municipal libraries of the Republic of Tyva. Inhabitants of the region will be able to come and free of charge to use the device for search of necessary information or as the e-book.