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VK technologies will help in the improvement of the Moscow region

Customers: Ministry of Improvement of the Moscow Region

State and social structures

Product: VK Predict

Project date: 2024/03  - 2024/09

2024: Using VK Predict

Analytical services based on machine learning VK Predict will help the Ministry of Improvement of the Moscow Region to improve the quality of life in the region. VK (formerly Group) announced this on October 15, 2024.

A pilot project based on VK technologies made it possible to determine the impact of measures already taken on the popularity of locations among residents. For example, the attendance of Malevich and Shishkin Forest parks has significantly increased, both in terms of the number of guests and on repeated visits: in one year after the improvement, the volume of visitors to Malevich Park and Shishkin Forest Park increased 2 times.

Working with large data sets will help determine the most priority points of attraction and work out strategies for their improvement. Geoanalytics services will show the most popular points of attraction, portrait and needs of the population and tourists, help optimize strategies for the development of territories and optimally use investments.

In the Moscow region, as of October 2024, there are 194 parks and a forest park, which is eight times more than in 2014, when there were only 24 of them. When designing territories, we try to qualitatively analyze information for the development of improvement projects, new services help us in this. Each project is developed taking into account the information received. We strive to introduce technologies so that our improvement is more functional, in demand and modern, "said Mikhail Khaikin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Improvement.

The improvement of the region is a complex task that requires deep analytics. Working with big data helps to objectively approach the assessment of the situation and the elaboration of initiatives. Services in an impersonal and aggregated form analyze arrays of information, identify historical trends and build forecasts of changes in indicators. Such volumes of factors are difficult to take into account manually, so technologies simplify the work of teams in the regional administration, increase the accuracy of the assessment and allow you to choose the most cost-effective approach to improving conditions for residents and guests, - said Roman Styatyugin, director of the VK Predict analytical services center.