Customers: GVTs Russian Railway major computer center Moscow; Information technologies Contractors: Mirapolis Product: Mirapolis Knowledge CenterProject date: 2010/09
The project "The organization of distance technical learning of workers of locomotive crews in JSC "Russian Railways". Within the project it was necessary to optimize, on the one hand, expenses on training of staff of Russian Railway. With another – to provide mass, continuous, available and at the same time effective obtaining by personnel knowledge, necessary for work. The uniqueness of such project is connected with its scale: in a month about 100 thousand cheloveko-rates were trained.
For successfully implementation of this project:
- the new hardware-software platform which allowed to increase significantly system performance and uninterrupted operation of its work under the most high loads was developed and unrolled;
- the unique software and hardware solution which made possible training system operation as via the Internet, so from internal network JSC "Russian Railways" is implemented, saving at the same time the highest security level and uninterrupted operation of work.
Only within this project with JSC "Russian Railways" the indicators which do not have analogs for distance learning in Russia were reached:
- more than 180,000 registered listeners;
- the volume of registration – 3 million cheloveko-rates;
- the volume of successfully complete training – 800 thousand cheloveko-rates.
Joint project of JSC RZD, Mirapolis company and PGUPS.
The chief of UTs GVTs Sosin Denis Evgenyevich told about improvement of the existing system of technical study in JSC "Russian Railways" by means of implementation of remote form of education. In the project several directions which should be upgraded for achievement of good results were selected: change of a system of motivation, methodical recommendations, technical recommendations, and also improvement of regulating documents. SWOT analysis of implementation of a remote form which showed that, despite risk of complete transition to such form of education, the company will receive a huge number of pluses, main of which - the guaranteed level of knowledge of all employees was carried out.