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Moscow Regional Duma optimizes control over the execution of cost and income estimates with the help of "1C: Enterprises"

Customers: Moscow Regional Duma

Moscow; State and social structures

Product: 1C: Public Accounting

Project date: 2021/06  - 2021/10
Number of licenses: 28

2021: Optimizing Cost and Revenue Control

On October 10, 2021, 1C: First Bit announced the completion of the implementation of 1C: Budget Institution Accounting and 1C: Salary and personnel of a state institution in the Moscow Regional Duma. As a result, accurate accounting of budget data is provided: allocations, limits of budget obligations, received funding volumes. Control over the spending of funds and the execution of estimates under contracts has been strengthened. Regulated reporting and management reporting are three times faster. Accurate accounting of the institution's property is provided. Internal electronic document management was organized, the coordination of documents on the receipt, write-off and issuance of fixed assets and other non-financial assets accelerated by 4 times. The time to calculate salaries for employees has been halved.

Moscow Regional Duma. Photo:

According to the company, as of October 2021, more than 400 people work in the Moscow Regional Duma. More than 500 personnel documents are completed each month. The salaries of staff members should be calculated on the basis of various criteria - salaries, class ranks, various allowances and bonuses, taking into account the sources of funding.

The function of the chief manager of budget funds and the large number of used codes of budget classification require accurate accounting of budget data (allocations, limits of budget obligations, received funding volumes) and timely amendments to these data based on notifications, laws amending the budget law, as well as in case of technical amendments. When you edit budget data, you must save the change history.

Another important task for the institution is to record a large number of transactions on non-financial assets (fixed assets, tangible assets, intangible assets) with an indication of the recipients and their location. When you process these activities, you must quickly create and coordinate warehouse and accounting documents. In connection with the move to another building planned for the summer of 2021, the institution was to draw up and sign hundreds of documents on the transfer and write-off of fixed assets almost simultaneously.

The software used in the institution for regulated accounting and payroll is morally outdated. The documents were agreed on paper. Many personnel accounting tasks were performed manually. For example, staffing was not automated, staff made changes to the schedule and made manual rate employment reports, and there was no way to quickly obtain information on vacant rates. When forming the leave order, the personnel member took the employee's card and considered how many days the employee had left the leave reserve, and then entered this data into the order with his hands. It took a lot of time to calculate salaries for employees, prepare regulated and managerial reports.

The Duma needed another information system that would help organize operational control over the execution of estimates, accelerate the formation of regulated reporting, the preparation of personnel documents and payroll. It was necessary to organize operational warehouse accounting, implement an internal electronic document management system and accelerate the coordination of documents on the receipt, issuance and write-off of intangible assets.

To solve the tasks, the systems 1C": Accounting of state an institution" and "1C: Payroll and personnel of a state institution" were chosen. The implementation partner was 1C: First Bit.

Because of quarantine and Covid-19 restrictions, solutions were implemented remotely. During the project, rules were developed for the transfer of directories, account balances and other information accumulated in old programs. Between the configurations "1C: Salary and personnel of a state institution" and "1C: Budget Institution Accounting" automated exchange of data on divisions, positions and employees is implemented.

The project was implemented in a short time: the transition to "1C: Budget Institution Accounting" took only 3 months, to "1C: Salary and personnel of a state institution" - 5 months.

The system deployed in 28 workplaces has achieved the following results:

  • Operational accounting is provided in accordance with the requirements of the legislation for accounting of state institutions and the peculiarities of the Moscow Regional Duma. Regulated reporting is generated three times faster. Management promptly receives the management reports required to monitor cash flows, budget estimates and contractual obligations in the context of budget classification codes (BCC) and economic classification codes (CEC).
  • In "1C: Accounting of a state institution," additional functionality for maintaining warehouse records was implemented. Two storekeepers of the institution work in a single system with accounting. Removal from the warehouse of tables, chairs, stationery, souvenirs, award products and other non-financial assets is issued automatically. The system sets up automatic balance matching when creating warehouse documents, and automatically populates the corresponding accounting documents based on warehouse documents. At any time in the system, you can get up-to-date information about the balances in the warehouse and form a register of warehouse documents. The number of errors has significantly decreased, the formation of documents by storekeepers and the processing of these documents by accounting have accelerated by 2 times.
  • Internal electronic document management (EDO) mechanisms are actively used. The system implemented automatic sending of documents along the coordination routes, set the rules of internal EDR for issuing and signing documents on acceptance for accounting and write-off of fixed assets and intangible assets. The coordination of documents has been simplified, the speed of approval has increased 4 times. During the preparation and relocation of the Moscow Regional Duma to another building in the system, hundreds of electronic documents were agreed and signed by electronic signature.
  • The time for calculating the salaries of employees Moscow of the regional Duma decreased by several days. The process of preparing and submitting to the supervisory bodies quarterly regulated reporting of RSV, reporting on insurance contributions, reports of 4-, SOCIAL INSURANCE FUND 2-PERSONAL INCOME TAX and 6-personal income tax has accelerated. Management has been able to generate arbitrary analysis reports on personnel with any detail and for any period.
  • Automated work with the staffing table: maintaining the staffing table and changes to it (including in connection with the introduction of other tariff rates), generating a report on the employment of rates on the selected date. The creation of lists of employees according to various conditions is accelerated - according to the number of days of employee leave, regular and additional holidays completed and remaining. The time for collecting data for the preparation of personnel reports, registers of public civil servants, registers of persons holding public office and registers of persons holding positions other than those of the public civil service has been reduced.
  • Personal data of employees are protected from unauthorized access in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.
  • Automated transfer of personal income tax to the IFTS and the formation of the necessary internal analytical reports, registers, settlement statements and certificates for each transfer of salaries to the bank. There is an operational upload of data to a file for transferring wages to banks with support for the relevance of file formats for banks. You have set up templates for personnel order forms, action items, supplementary agreements, and contracts. You organize the operational calculation of leave from the year-end reserve and the automatic write-off for it, printing of the employee's leave notices taking into account the schedule and transfer of leave.

Automation resulted in a 30% reduction in time (hours worked) to collect and analyze information for financial planning and monitoring of cash expenditure. The time for calculating salaries for employees has been halved. The system created on the basis of the decisions "1C: Budget Institution Accounting 8" and "1C: Payroll and personnel of a state institution 8" fully meets our expectations.

noted Tagaeva Alfia Medkhatovna, chief accountant of the Moscow Regional Duma