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Moscow electromechanical repair plant (1C: Enterprise 8.2)

Customers: Moscow electromechanical repair plant

Moscow; Mechanical engineering and instrument making

Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2011/12
Number of licenses: 6

The project of automation of "The Moscow electromechanical repair plant" based on 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 is complete

The JSC Moscow Electromechanical Repair Plant company was created in 1938. The main activities of the company are provision of services on installation, repair and maintenance of engines and turbines, except aviation, automobile and motorcycle engines.

Before implementation the information system created not based on "1C: Enterprise" which did not provide requirement of the enterprise was used. There were no mechanisms for conducting management accounting in required analytical cuts, there was no number of the regulated forms of accounting and tax statements it was necessary to create manually that required big labor input and time.

The decision on implementation of the new software product which would provide data acquisition about financial results of activity of divisions of the company by projects, articles and others managerial the analyst was made.

For cooperation the 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) having experience of implementation of similar projects and having enough highly qualified specialists was selected. As the software product the solution "was selected by 1C: Management of manufacturing enterprise 8" as its functionality with the performed completions under needs of the enterprise, completely met the requirements for accounting in this company.