Customers: Moscow mill plant No. 3 Contractors: 1C Architect of business (1AB Master) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2011/11
Number of licenses: 50
"1C architect of business" automated one of the oldest enterprises of the flour-grinding industry of Moscow – JSC Moscow Mill Plant No. 3. Using the information system constructed based on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product plan-fact production analysis is conducted, the quality of the arriving raw materials and finished goods is controlled, the industry reporting is prepared. In total at the enterprise 50 jobs are automated. Later only half a year after project completion the loyalty of buyers considerably increased, production costs and losses of the enterprise are reduced.
JSC Moscow Mill Plant No. 3 – one of the oldest enterprises of the flour-grinding industry of Moscow, the largest producer of high-quality macaroni and bread flour and flour mixes in Moscow. Annually the plant processes over 180,000 tons of grain and develops 130,000 tons of flour.
According to Federal law No. 183-FZ "About the state control of quality and rational use of grain and products of its processing" each grain processing enterprise needs to keep quantitative and high-quality account of grain on all cycle of production — from purchase before finished product output — and to regularly prepare the industry reporting on its basis. Earlier production management and accounting on the Moscow flour mill No. 3 were conducted using the diverse software and spreadsheets. Often the same data were entered manually into different bases, periodically this it was necessary to reduce together and to recheck. All this led to excessive time expenditure, deprived the management of online access to information necessary for management of the enterprise. Eventually also service of an information system became complicated: it was difficult to find programmers for support of the outdate programs, finance costs grew.
The growing market demands, need to conduct strict control of raw materials and products on production, difficulties of work with a "scrappy" information system delivered the management of the Moscow mill plant No. 3 before need of implementation of the modern software product. The choice of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 was caused by the fact that this system allows the enterprise to exercise operating control behind activity of the enterprise throughout all production cycle, to plan purchases and sales, to conduct analytics, uniform managerial and regulated accounting according to requirements of the legislation and needs of plant's management. A system is provided with support from the developer and his partners that it was also very important for the management of MMK No. 3.
For project implementation the having experience of implementation of complex information systems on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and being the leader of the rating of 1C Company among Competence Centers on production was selected "1C Architect of business".
As a result of implementation of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 on the Moscow flour mill No. 3 50 jobs were automated. Different sections of an automated system are used in work as the staff of administration, production divisions, purchasing department, sales department, transport department, finance division, an elevator (warehouse), accounting.
As a result of implementation of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8:
Due to automation of quantitative and high-quality accounting all figures of merit of grain and finished goods (24 indicators for grain, 15 – for flour) are fixed at each stage of a production cycle — from purchase of grain and its storage before processing of raw materials and implementation of a product. All interested persons (the management, employees of an elevator, laboratory, purchasing managers and to sales, accountants) had an opportunity to quickly receive and analyze quality data and quantity of each batch of grain and products at any production phase that allows to interact better to different divisions of plant, to reduce production costs. For example, if the received batch of grain does not correspond to the agreement signed earlier (the increased dirtiness, underweight), in a system deviations from contract commitments are fixed that allows at further settlement with the supplier to try to obtain decrease in payment of the received grain.
According to state standard every month the flour mill needs to produce not less than 60% of high-grade flour. Data analysis about quality and volume of products received in a month (how many there were torments the highest, 1 and 2 sorts, bran, etc.), and its ratios with the processed raw materials allows to control work of a mill, to find and correct the reasons of decrease in efficiency of its work and thus to fulfill the requirements of the standard.
Planning and plan-fact production analysis is conducted. Now the plan on flour mill is adjusted daily for the week ahead, all changes at once are reflected in the general database, and each division precisely knows what capacities and resources will be required to it for accomplishment of the order in a certain working day, in specific change; all changes are approved between divisions online. Thus, at plant production capacities are more evenly loaded.
Shipment of finished goods in a system is connected with the specific order of the buyer in which the specific machine and the driver when planning shipment on the basis of the production schedule is enshrined. Thanks to it distribution of the planned shipments of goods is controlled (whether everything loads are assigned to drivers and machines how many machines are required whether load of drivers is uniform).
The entered scheme of accounting of requests for a funds expenditure, accurate planning and ownership of reliable information help plant not only better to control the income and expenses, but also to raise as loyalty of suppliers (excepting payment delays), and buyers (sales managers quickly inform clients on threat of growth of debt, in case of a payment delay adjust and collect receivables of buyers).
Considerably preparation of the industry reporting, obligatory for the grain processing enterprise, accelerated. It became possible thanks to existence in a single system of operational and reliable data of quantitative and high-quality accounting of grain and products of production and also uniform industry forms (on raw materials, on finished goods) which were finished for MMK No. 3 by specialists of "1C Architect of business".
Business processes of sales department are automated. Control of selling prices amplified: they are put automatically, and only individual employees having such right can change them manually.
The managers shipping goods do not need to spend time for check of correctness of the price specified in the delivery note any more at the expense of what labor costs of personnel and quantity of errors in delivery notes on goods were reduced. Automation and consolidation on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform of different sections of regulated accounting (personnel records and payroll, accounting, preparation of tax statements) allowed to reduce labor costs by accounting, to get rid of expensive support of the self-written "salary" program. Accounting became more transparent and reliable.
In general thanks to implementation a "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" later only half a year after project completion were reduced reputation losses of MMK No. 3, the customer loyalty raised. For example, cases when the load left to the client with the price which is not corresponding to the agreement are excluded; for clients, and, in particular, for retail chain stores exact and full documentation on goods according to their standards quickly prepares. Transaction costs of the enterprise thanks to operational work with buyers and suppliers, the accuracy of quantitative and high-quality accounting of grain and finished goods were reduced.
The chief accountant of JSC Moscow Mill Plant No. 3 Svetlana Viktorovna Rodionova so estimated results of automation: – "We have in the industry the, special accounting of raw materials and finished goods. We use these data not only for preparation of the obligatory industry reporting, but also, of course, for conducting own management accounting as they allow us to control quality of raw materials and products, so and to manage production. Earlier, when we kept account in separate programs, it was necessary to hammer many data on 2-3 times (the laboratory, for example, kept the data separately, accounting and production – separately) and when we reduced them, something was inevitably duplicated, inaccuracies somewhere got out. Today all enterprise management is conducted in one system, data are entered once, we have ready industry report forms, and now and it is less errors in accounting, and it became more convenient, easier to work. With 1C:Enterprise 8 we could increase loyalty both clients, and suppliers, complex circuits of settlement are visually provided in a system. In the near future we want more to begin to work with a budgeting subsystem and we hope for further support of "1C Architect of business".