Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Nafstroy keeps account of non-commercial activity using 1C:VDGB: Accounting for NPO

Customers: Nafstroy

Moscow; Construction and industry of construction materials

Contractors: 1C:VDGB
Product: 1C:VDGB: Accounting for NPO
На базе: 1C: Accounting

Project date: 2011/02

The Nafstroy enterprise addressed to 1C:VDGB company for automation of accounting and management based on the 1C:VDGB software product: Accounting for non-profit organization.

Nafstroy company is the dynamic construction organization performing construction, reconstruction and major repair of objects of the commercial and residential real estate in the territory of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. Separate activity of the organization is repair of premises including on a nonprofit basis.

Vigorous non-commercial activity of the Nafstroy enterprise requires permanent development of an accounting system and management. With this task the management of firm made the decision on implementation of a modern automated system based on 1C: Enterprise.

Having analyzed the companies existing in IT market, their industry experience of implementations and qualification of employees, the leadership team of the Nafstroy enterprise gave preference to the partner of 1C Company — 1C:VDGB company.

For automation the 1C:VDGB software product was selected: Accounting for non-profit organization 8 which is the specialized solution for automation of non-commercial activity of different type, including preparation of the obligatory (regulated) reporting.

As a result of implementation of 1C of the program the management of the Nafstroy enterprise purchased the modern tool for the automated conducting accounting taking into account specifics of the activity:

  • Introduction of non-commercial activity
    • maintaining list of financing sources of non-profit organization;
    • separate accounting of all economic operations on financing sources;
    • the mechanism of automatic conducting economic transactions at the expense of the distributed (compound) financing sources when wiring should share in proportion to structure of a source is implemented;
    • a possibility of control of a funds expenditure on financing sources;
    • possibility of performing different charges / contributions;
    • detailed analytical accounting on account 86 "Target Financings and Receipts" in two cuts: *** "Item of expenditure and receipts" and Financing sources;
      • possibility of automatic distribution of the amounts of economic operations on several financing sources;
      • planning with a different periodization (month, quarter, year) and a possibility of comparison of planned and actual receipts and expenses is provided.

  • Introduction of non-commercial activity
    • in standard reports (the turnover balance sheet, the analysis the account, etc.) it is possible to obtain information on each of financing sources or on all financing sources at once;
    • specialized reporting of NPO:
      • automatically filled balance of NPO;
      • automatically filled form No. 6 of NPO.
      • accounting of currency transactions.

In progress in automation of accounting activity of the Nafstroy enterprise by specialists of 1C:VDGB company the following service works are carried out:

  • automation of sections of accounting using industry solution of 1C:VDGB: Accounting for NPO;
  • primary consultations on work in information system 1C;
  • elementary education of users of program 1C;
  • subscription to information and technology support of 1C.

Source: website "1C:VDGB"