Customers: Nizhny Novgorod steel works Nizhny Novgorod; Metallurgical industry Contractors: Standard 1 c Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2010/05
Number of licenses: 80
The task of automation of accounting in a production and sales circuit and the organization of accounting of several legal entities within uniform information base was set for Konstanta company.
In connection with difficult specifics of management and accounting there was a need for complex automation of all processes which is decided to be performed, using functionality "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8.0".
At the time of the beginning of the project account was kept in different configurations: "1C: Accounting 7.7", "1C: Enterprise 7.7 Production + Services + Accounting Configuration and "1C: Enterprise 7.7. Complex configuration". There were about 15 bases.
During the project stages are performed:
- Inspection
- Design
- Implementation and system testing
- Transfer of a remaining balance from the existing System
In a short time personnel training was made. About 80 jobs are automated. All works were performed jointly with specialists of IT division of the Customer.
Thanks to system implementation "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8.0", the unified information system for management of razliny aspects of activity of the enterprise, in industrial is created:
- Accounting and tax accounting
- Purchase management
- Sales management
- Inventory management
- Cost management
- Cost accounting
- Fixed asset accounting
- Cash accounting
Implementation of the software product for the organization of complex accounting allowed to lay the foundation for further creation and development of a common information space at the enterprise.
Regular support of software products is performed by the staff of Konstanta LLC through consultations.