Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Nomination (1C: Retail)

Customers: Nomination

Irkutsk; Jewelry industry

Product: 1C: Retail
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.2

Project date: 2013/06

Specialists of the company "1C: The first BIT" completed the project on process optimization of trade accounting in network of jewelry salons Nomination. By means of the 1C: Retail 8 and 1C: Trade Management 8 programs the centralized system of collecting of managerial data was created.

Nomination is network of jewelry salons in Irkutsk and other regions of the Russian Federation. The number of shops contains 8 outlets. For implementation of managerial tasks to firm the management made the decision in a complex to automate activity of shops. Specialists of the company "were for this purpose involved with 1C: The first BIT". They executed installation of the 1C: Retail 8 and 1C: Trade Management 8 programs, made their integration. All users were trained.

According to the results of the project the single system of consolidation of managerial data was created. Data on commercial transactions from all outlets come to the central register now. It facilitates their processing and the analysis, allows to perform objective estimates of profitability of separate shops and business in general, told CNews in "1C: The first BIT".

Sales management mechanisms, are also optimized by logistics and warehouses. Processing speed of orders increased. Information on the commodity nomenclature was systematized. Managers can quickly browse existence of necessary goods in a warehouse and support the relevant range.

In turn, the variety of ready report forms and forms of documents facilitates ordering process to suppliers. Operations on acceptance and sales of goods, inventory of a commodity remaining balance are automated.

The head works with the 1C: Trade Management 8 program. Reports can be created for any period. The objectivity of analytical estimates, accuracy of planning and forecasting increased.

The possibility of unloading of data of trade accounting in the accounting program simplifies drawing up reports on financial and economic activity of firm. Labor costs of personnel decreased.

In general, on a response of the customer, business process optimization positively affected quality of the rendered services. Also dynamics of a trading activity improved.