Customers: Norebo Holding Contractors: MKSKOM Product: 1C: Holding ManagementProject date: 2017/01 - 2019/03
Number of licenses: 20
Content |
2019: Automation of IFRS Consolidated Reporting
Pre-Project Situation
Project prerequisites
- Historical development of the point automation system
- Different 1C configurations
- Not all NSIs are unified
- Partially automated accounting of VNA under IFRS
- There is no uniform methodology for transformation and preparation of IFRS reporting
- The main tool is numerous Excel reports
- Limited analysis capabilities data
Project task
The task was set: automation of the preparation of consolidated statements according to IFRS standards.
Project Solution and Progress
All companies of the Russian Federation have switched to a single 1C configuration: Accounting. Set up automatic translation of all transactions in 1C: Accounting USD (parallel accounting in USD with initial translation according to IFRS standards).
1C functionality used: 1C: Holding Management:
- Centralization of main reference books
- Parallel accounting of IGV (component accounting, capitalization) and accounting of Loans\Loans (floating% rate, payment schedules)
- Formation of consolidated ODDS (Plan and Actual)
- Set up automatic data transformation, VGO reconciliation, transformation and consolidation adjustments, * formation of consolidated IFRS SALT
- IFRS Summary Reporting and Disclosures Set Up
- The system was put into commercial operation in March 2019.
- The system is supported by IT specialists Norebo
Project results
- 50 subsidiaries participated in the project, 3 reporting periods (years) were fully tested, 80 disclosures to reporting were formed in the system, 42 data entry forms and 24 automatic adjustments were implemented.
- It was possible to significantly reduce the time for preparing and auditing the consolidated IFRS statements