Customers: Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Astana; State and social structures Contractors: Infosoftprom Product: Smart-Soft: Traffic InspectorProject date: 2016/07 - 2016/07
Choice of the product Traffic Inspector
Program Тraffic Inspector is development of the company "Smart-Soft". The choice of this product SOFTWARE was caused for the client by a variety of reasons. Key advantage of the program among analogs were possibilities of routing on a condition, content filtering, obtaining the unrolled reporting under traffic.
The client can independently carry out the accounting of traffic using the reporting and counters of traffic. Exposure of filters for obtaining reports on users and their activity, on time, on speed, etc. is possible. The system of accounting of traffic of this program is quite functional, at the relative low cost of a product, it has convenient indication, gives the chance of exact calculation of costs and warning of a probable overexpenditure of means. Also among pluses of the software product the rusifitsirovannost and availability of the price to similar functionality was mentioned.
Procedure of implementation
Implementation of the program on the client's server taking into account all settings took only several days. The engineering center noted simplicity of implementation and the operational help of technical support in installation process as one more advantage of this IT product. Right after program installation the management of the enterprise got access to functions of independent traffic observation, content filtering, access restriction on users to certain resources.