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Баннер в шапке 2

Peko, bakery (HRMS BOSS-personnel officer)

Customers: Peko, bakery

Moscow; Food industry

Product: BOSS-personnel officer

Project date: 2009/09

The Peko bakery is the high-mechanized, dynamically developing baking enterprise which every day develops more than 110 tons of the most various products.

The industry - the Food industry.

Project Task

The organization of a personnel management process so that as little as possible time and human work was spent for it what this process would be easy, functional, easily regulated and met all requirements of personnel records at the modern enterprise.

At that time no more than five hundred people worked at bakery. But, in development of production and rapid growth of personnel, an old system ceased to meet standards of conducting personnel records. To system implementation the BOSS-personnel officer at the enterprise was used a system of accounting of personnel of own development – file data structure in which there were no standard report forms, there was no module "Staff list", she ceased to cope with all current processes. All this caused urgent need of reorganization of a personnel management system. And after some reflections, we decided to pass to new, more modern automated control system for personnel.

Project Effect

After system implementation the BOSS-personnel officer on Bakery there was a common information space of human resources management, account of personnel is kept at the modern level, the modules "Staff List", "Pension fund", etc. are involved.

Customer Feedback on the Project

Shafarenko Vladimir, head of information technology, Bread-baking complex of "PEKO", Moscow: "As at any large enterprise we were faced by the choice of transition to a qualitative system of accounting of the personnel, including relationship with the pension fund, with a military table of accounting, internal personnel records and personnel management. A ratio the price - qualities plus conditions and the price of maintenance of this product took over all other products up. At the same time the firm (our enterprise totals about 1000 people) grew, output doubled-trebled, and a system is still steady against amounts of data. The HR department is happy. Besides we created the interface conditions for work of other systems, in particular time keeping and salary scoop information from accounting cards the BOSS-personnel officer. As for already operation, it is absolutely faultless, in 7 years of operation we had no failure".