Customers: Personal Media of Technology Moscow; Media, TV and broadcasting Contractors: Maykor-GMCS Product: Microsoft Dynamics CRMProject date: 2009/10
The Personal Media of Technology company, the developer of the personalized OViVO video service, and GMCS company completed implementation of the automated control system for customer relations of the media company based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Within the project tasks of automation of the main divisions of the media company participating in sales process and the subsequent client service are implemented.
The project on creation of the CRM system started in the summer of 2009 and was executed within complex automation of business of Personal Media of Technology company. At the moment the automated control system for customer relations is brought into trial operation.
Television of the next generation of OViVO – the innovation video service allowing to organize the personalized watching videos, programs and telecasts according to the parameters set by the client. The key directions of business OViVO is sale of services of use of video service and also advertizing platforms on the OViVO platform integrating in itself advantages television and Internet advertizing. One more important direction is purchase of media content at the largest world film studios and television corporations and also at the Russian film and TV companies. For effective work with clients, partners and advertisers of the company it was necessary to automate all processes of relationship with partners, including sales of services, purchase of media content and the equipment.
The innovation approach of Personal Media of Technology company to creation of new business found reflection and in sale of the CRM tool which became an integral part of OViVO service at the expense of the solution of unique business challenges. The CRM system allows to collect, to accumulate and store information on each client, including all history of interaction in detailing, necessary for effective work of video service. For example, in addition to information on demographic data information, important for work of service, on genre preferences of each client is stored in a system. Specialists of Personal Media of Technology advertizing service can use these data during the work with advertisers, providing them the most complete portrait of audience of OViVO. In the CRM system receipt of requests from clients, their postprocessing, signing of the contracts and control of their execution is also fixed.
Integration of Microsoft Dynamics CRM with the different information systems used by the media company – billing, a specialized management system for media content, the system of service of the final equipment of clients and others became the most important stage of the project. For the purposes of financial performance analysis specialists of GMCS provided a possibility of obtaining sales reports by the management of customer company in necessary analytical cuts (for example, on regions, the temporary periods). Besides, different types of financial and statistical reporting, including the reporting under viewing media content by users were configured.
"The implemented CRM system corresponds to the innovation nature of OViVO and has the broad functionality complemented according to our requirements, providing all necessary tools for building of relationship with core groups of clients, – Prokhorova Tatyana, the CEO of Personal Media of Technology company comments on project deliverables. – Today, when we conduct active work on OViVO output to the market, Microsoft Dynamics CRM already proves the efficiency, allowing to reduce operating costs".