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Prio-Vneshtorgbank builds information exchange with GIS based on connectors from R-Style Softlab

Customers: Prio-Vneshtorgbank

Ryazan; Financial services, investments and auditing

Contractors: R-Style Softlab
Product: RS-Connect

Project date: 2021/12  - 2022/06

2022: Automation of interaction with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

At Prio-Vneshtorgbank PJSC, R-Style Softlab has automated interaction with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to connect to the Know Your Client platform (the solution is based on the new RS-Connect module. Exchange with the ZSK platform "), as well as with the Central Election Commission (based on the RS-Connect module. Exchange with the CEC "). R-Style Softlab announced this on July 20, 2022.

With the help of the Know Your Client (ZSK) service, the Bank of Russia will inform credit institutions about how risky this or that client conducts activities in terms of "anti-money laundering" legislation. The regulator will divide all customers into three groups depending on the level of risk: low, medium and high (green, yellow and red). Depending on such an assessment, banks will determine the mode of work with the client.

The ZSK platform has been fully operational since July 1, 2022. Due to the fact that the implementation of the RS-Connect module. The exchange with the ZSK platform was carried out in advance, the bank and the vendor managed to take part in testing the platform and the company's product.

Implementation of the RS-Connect module. The exchange with the CEC "ensured the bank's compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 231-FZ of 13.07.2015" On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation "and Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 05.05.2016 No. 4012-U" On the Procedure for Obtaining Credit Institutions, registry holders and depositories from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, election commissions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation requests for information on accounts, deposits, securities of candidates for deputies or other elected positions, their spouses and minor children, as well as the procedure and timing for sending responses to relevant requests by credit institutions, registry holders and depositories. "

We are pleased with the cooperation with R-Style Softlab, the professionalism of the team and the functionality of the implemented software, - said Boris Bogdanov, Director of the IT Department of Prio-Vneshtorgbank. - We hope that further interaction will take place in the same productive way.

Our cooperation with the bank began relatively recently, only in 2021. Nevertheless, it has become quite productive. As of July 2022, we are conducting a project at the bank to automate our main activities based on ABS RS-Bank V.6, and are also introducing several more modules for interacting with GIS - "RS-Connect. Exchange with "and GIS HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICES" RS-Connect. Validation of SNILS, "- commented on the project Rinat Karimov, Deputy General Director of R-Style Softlab, Director of the Banking Software Department RS-Bank.