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Priorbank started service of voice authentication of clients

Customers: Priorbank

Minsk; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Product: CST: VoiceKey.Platform

Project date: 2015/07  - 2015/10


On November 24, 2015 the press service of Priorbank announced implementation of technology of confirmation of the identity of the client for a voice. CST companies and "System technologies" were engaged in questions of implementation and start [1].

Project Tasks

Among the main premises to the project there is an increased quantity of customer appeals in contact center of bank with the requests requiring personal identification.

Office of Priorbank (2013)

In November-December, 2007 46% of calls with need of a request of personal information from the total number of all calls are recorded. In the same period of 2015 their quantity increased up to 68%. On average about 40 thousand clients a month address to contact center of bank behind the services requiring personal identification. At the same time nearly 50% of all calls - from mobile devices.

System operation of automated verification of the personality on a voice

  • The client calls in contact center of bank, sets to the operator a request. Depending on the nature of the address the call center operator defines need of confirmation of the identity of the client.

  • The operator finds the client in the database.

  • The voice model of the client - the digital file considering 74 characteristics of a voice is at the same time created. It is a voice standard of the client.

  • At the subsequent addresses a system recreates model of a voice of the client and compares it to reference. After check the result of confirmation of the personality on a voice on the monitor screen is issued to the operator.

For confirmation of the identity of the client it is enough only time of a standard greeting and the answer to one question. In case of successful check "on a voice" and "on knowledge", the operator announces to the client personal information.

Project Progress

Biometric technologies are the technologies of authentication of the personality based on measurement and the analysis of unique characteristics of the person. From all existing options of confirmation of the personality (on fingerprints, on an eye iris of the eye, by the signature, etc.) the voice biometrics - is least expensive, at the same time provides necessary requirements to information security and only available to use in contact center. Voice data can be transferred by means of any communication network: by the stationary, mobile phone, Skype or IP networks.

Priorbank declared the superiority in the CIS, regarding use of technologies of biometric authentication during the work with clients. Similar projects work in foreign countries in banks: Wells Fargo (USA), Barclays (Great Britain), Tatrabanka (Slovakia).

Project Results

The project of automated verification of the personality on a voice - "Voice biometrics", was executed together with Priorbank by Center of Speech Technologies company and SOOO "System Technologies".

Priorbank expressed confidence: implementation of the innovative technology will allow to make a customer appeal in contact center more convenient for clients and to increase safety of access to personal information.
