Customers: REHAU (Rehau) Mechanical Engineering and Instrument Engineering Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2008/11 - 2009/08
2009: REHAU in Russia manages finance and 14 other accounting areas with 1C solution
In August 2009, in the international holding REHAU, together with the Intelis group of companies (since 2010, WiseAdvice Group of Companies), the project of comprehensive automation of financial accounting based on the application solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" was completed.
REHAU is a global representative in three main areas of activity - construction, automotive and industry. Main products: high-quality window and facade profile systems.
In the course of the work, the 1C integrator used the design technology, which made it possible to organize processes such as testing and documentation at a decent level. During the entire period of work on the territory of REHAU, the project office functioned, due to which the project was organized quite efficiently.
In total, there were 25 + stages of work, 50 workplaces and 15 metering circuits were automated. All areas of accounting and tax accounting according to the standards of the Russian Federation, as well as management accounting according to the German REHAU standards, were automated. Areas of trade accounting such as Credit Management, Order Management, etc., were also subject to automation.
In addition, the results of the introduction of 1S:UPP became:
- interface of data exchange of the implemented ACS with a unified production accounting system used by all Rehau offices worldwide;
- integration with the payroll system from 1C;
- NPM additional accounting unit (non-manufacturing purchases);
- technical and user documentation for all units of the automated system.