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Infor SCM WM in the Volgograd retail chain stores

Customers: Radezh

Volgograd; Trade

Product: Infor SCM WM v.9.x

Project date: 2013/07  - 2014/09

The retail chain stores of "Radezh" conduct the history since 2002 and by right it is considered one of the most effective and large not only in the Volgograd region, but also in all Southern Federal District.

"Радеж" - the Volgograd retail chain stores having the branches outside the Volgograd region. In total now in the territory of the Volgograd and Rostov regions one hundred Radezh shops work. The most important element of service of network is own production in three directions - vegerable-growing, culinary and bakery. Products of own greenhouse facility Vegetable grower can be purchased in each Radezh shop is tomatoes, cucumbers, greens which is grown up all the year round and is delivered on counters of shops, saving fresh and natural taste. Baking workshops daily make the good updated selection of pies, rolls, bread and other pastries according to original recipes and only from high-quality products. The cookery of "Radezh" allows to save forces and time on preparation of tasty and healthy food, providing the various range of salads, meat and fish dishes.

All vegetables and fruit arriving on the distribution center of retail chain stores of "Radezh" undergo additional control on the level of nitrates and radiation. In shops of network the possibility of trade in overdue products is almost reduced to zero. "Радеж" very closely works with local producers.

Respect for the high quality standards of service and need of high-quality increase in level of controllability and turnover of the main distribution center, demanded from Radezh company of transition to application of a warehouse management system. The company management conducted long and captious selection of applicants for integration of WMS. It was focused on customer focus of the partner company as the previous experience of cooperation with the companies integrators showed that many of them are not always aimed at complete satisfaction of needs of the Customer, are interested in formal implementation of standard functionality and a further "podsazhivaniye on a needle" in respect of thin settings of systems and completions of functionality.

Tender for the choice of service provider of implementation of the WMS system was won by Logikon company. Practice of cooperation showed that Logikon constrained the promised implementation parameters, having customized a product under (in advance stipulated) most difficult warehouse processes of "Radezha" as a part of the starting price of the contract.

Today Infor WM with success manages activity of the distribution center of Radezh company.