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"Рамакс" started a corporate blockchain platform for increase in motivation of employees

Customers: Ramax Ramax

Product: Ramax WorknRoll
На базе: Projects based on blockchain technology

Project date: 2019/03  - 2019/08

2019: Implementation of a blockchain platform for increase in motivation of employees

The group "Рамакс" announced on September 9, 2019 implementation at itself corporate Blockchain- platforms Work'n'Roll (W&R) for increase in motivation and the involvement of employees. The project is executed by Development center Ramax Labs.

W&R allows any employee of Group to earn virtual coins (koina or tokens) for participation in the different activities directed to improvement of workflows and to convert these tokens into specific benefita, bonuses and privileges.

From the initial idea of simple time management and fixing of the actual labor costs on adjacent projects the idea of the Work'n'Roll platform developed into a product for intrinsic motivation of employees. Ramaks Group is a difficult organization structure therefore the project on the basis of a blockchain helped to create the general entrusted and confidential environment for all participants.

Based on the platform which provides a possibility of release of the tokens and direct peer - 2 - peer - transfers the functions allowing to tie distribution of these assets to certain events are created: for example, project closure, a product output to the market, receiving a business profit from product sales, execution of these or those instructions.

To begin to work with the platform, it is necessary to be registered on an internal or foreign address. As the uniform identifier serves e-mail. The platform is opened, nevertheless, identification from corporate mail of the employee provides a possibility of participation in the benefitny program. Right after authorization for the user are automatically created crypto - purses for performing transactions in a system. From them the first level — the general platform purse which is available to all users. The second — a purse of the company in group. The third — the level of projects of divisions, for example, for encouragement with the head of employees for certain merits. Two operation modes are provided in a system: personal and project. Switching browse modes, the user exercises control of different types of purses.

In a system there is a possibility of receiving additional tokens. In particular, the crowdfunding platform "Bank of the Ideas" allows to publish the idea or to support the ideas of colleagues. For detection of those ideas which will have the maximum support the rating mechanism based on support of the ideas by tokens is created. In case of adoption of the idea on arms and its embodiments in a real product in a line of the company, the tokens earned by the author of the idea and also the tokens of investors enclosed in the idea will grant the right to a part of profit from commercial implementation or will be converted into a performance bonus for a contribution to development of the company, into prizes or gifts.

One more module in a system is a functionality of benefit or dynamic social package which instead of usual VHI allows annually, to charge depending on grade to the employees a certain volume of tokens which they will spend at discretion. According to the project manager Alexander Drozdov, the benefitny program received unexpected popularity. For only several days on the platform more than 500 people were registered — it appeared more, than the number of users of a corporate portal Bitrix-24. First of all, the program is aimed at increase in loyalty, for example, due to VHI personalisation. Distribution of benefit-koin and the choice of social packages for 2019 for the staff of group of companies was performed already on the W&R platform.

In the nearest future use of an internal marketplace not only within annual distribution of social package, but also on a permanent basis is planned. As a result of start of the benefitny program many employees estimated an opportunity to perform the choice of services other than a standard set of opportunities: for example, an English rate, transport cards or the subscription in the museums — Alexander Drozdov told. — Further we are going to implement an analog of options for products as the tool of the postponed motivation. In this case the token which is emitted in a blockchain network serves as a digital asset which defines a share of each employee in possible future profit.

As of September 9 W&R it is used for the time management of employees spent for preseyla. It is also going to introduce a system of accounting of financial flows on a product. The heads using the platform have mechanisms for remuneration of employees with digital tokens who can be converted into any material or non-material values. The internal marketplace allowing to administer these processes is for this purpose used.

The solution Work'n'Roll in Ramaks Group is based on a blockchain platform open source. All other components — the interface part, a backend with business logic — own development of the company. In plans of the company — to propose this solution in foreign market. Mainly, HR services of customer companies will become target audience.