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Rosseti leaves SAP software and will spend 371 million rubles on it

Customers: Rosseti Moscow Region (formerly MOESK)

Moscow; Power

Project date: 2024/02

At the end of February 2024, it became known that one of the world's largest power grid holdings Rosseti"" refuses, software SAP on the basis of which automated control of technological connections is carried out. Instead of software the German company, Russian products included in the register will be used. Ministry of Digital Development It is planned to spend about 371 million on import substitution. rubles

The tender for the work was announced by the Rosseti Moscow Region division. In accordance with the terms of reference, the contractor must transfer the customer's systems from POSAP ERP to domestic software in the period up to 2026 inclusive. At the same time, the costs in 2024 will amount to 178.8 million rubles, in 2025 - 148.48 million rubles, in 2026 - 43.92 million rubles. Thus, total expenses are estimated at 371.2 million rubles.

Rosseti abandons SAP software

The main goals of the project are the implementation of government directives of the Russian Federation of 14.04.2021 No. 3438p-P13 and 23.04.2021 No. 3853p-P7 and order Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia of 01.04.2015 No. 96 "On the approval of a software import substitution plan," as well as the elimination of risks of sanctions pressure by transferring the system to a domestic platform. In addition, it is assumed that the introduction of domestic software will help reduce the operating costs and cost of owning the information system, minimize time and human resources for support, and reduce the time for updating the formats of regulated reporting when changing legislation.

It is said that the implemented solution for regular work should not have dependencies on the use of imported software, or its libraries (including SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, IOS, Android, etc.). The business process of process connection management shall comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.[1]
