KS-Consulting completed a complex implementation project of EDMS Matter in the Kemerovo region
Customers: Rescuer of TD Contractors: Corporate systems – Consulting (KS-Consulting) Product: Case (EOS Group)Second product: Delo-Web Third product: KS-Consulting: Monitoring of documents Project date: 2017/03 - 2017/08
The project team from the customer | Integrator Consultant |
не указана | Kolesnikova Natalya (Curator of projects)
The KS-Consulting company announced on October 27, 2017 Matter in the Kemerovo region end of a complex implementation project of an electronic document management system.
Control automation by documents in several companies performing activity in different spheres, but belonging to one owner (Grebenshchikov Evgeny Aleksandrovich) became at once feature of the project:
- TD "Rescuer", supplier of the mine-rescue equipment for different industries (mining, chemical, metallurgical);
- "The Kuzbass water center" (is engaged in financing of construction of the largest in the region of "Wellness of the center");
- UK "Tom" (renders services in the field of real estate administration).
Project Tasks
The customer set the task to automate document flow of all organizations in one database. At the same time each of the companies should have access only to own documents and not to see document flow of others.
Project tasks which were designated by the customer were the general for all automated organizations:
- arrange document flows;
- automate document flow;
- discipline contractors through control of instructions;
- provide control of points of protocols;
- implement in EDMS of the notification of employees on the terms which are subject to execution of documents and instructions;
- automate approval of agreements;
- provide a possibility of quick search of documents.
Choosing a Solution
The customer purchased licenses for EDMS Case (the server and client jobs) and also for a subsystem of "Delo-Web". Besides, the option "Scanning", a subsystem Process management and the Monitoring of Documents application was purchased (development of KS-Consulting company for the operational notification of users on events in EDMS).
We offered the customer several options of systems, but they selected EDMS Case. The possibility of maintaining in one base at once of several organizations, flexible policy of setup of user rights, integration into mobile solutions and existence of technical support after implementation was pleasant. Also the customer estimated our efficiency in holding the presentation and information inspection — Natalya Kolesnikova, the curator of an implementation project told. |
Implementation Progress
The main part of the documents and business processes requiring implementation in EDMS concerned contractual document flow and the associated documentation — correspondence on them, commercial offers, accounts, acts, protocols of disagreements, supplementary agreements, etc. Traditional managerial document flow — entering and proceeding, instructions, ORD, memos, etc. — were also brought to a system, but did not demand special setup of business processes as they were provided with standard functionality of EDMS Case.
In all organizations, except TD "Rescuer", in parallel with implementation of EDMS document flow was actually put "from scratch" as there were a few regulated and settled processes of the movement of documents.
Project Results
According to the results of the project for each of the organizations in EDMS Case the separate card file is created. For each card file the document groups are got. Separation of card files provides access isolation: employees see only own document flow and do not see documents of other organizations though the database the general.
The mixed system is applied to registration of different types of documents in all companies persons involved of the project. The documents entering which come by mail in paper form are registered by the general director assistant. The contractor/manager can register documents which come by e-mail.
The documents requiring approval are entered into the system as the project — RCDD (registration card of the draft document). The documents which are not requiring approval are registered in a system as RK (a registration card of the document) about the scan image of the signed document.
Regarding contractual document flow all documents accompanying processes of preparation, approval, signing and performance of agreements are registered with indication of in EDMS of a binding to that agreement which they concern. Control of performance of the signed (existing) agreements is also implemented by means of a system Case.
In general all tasks set to customers were implemented in EDMS Case. On a closing stage of the project all users of a system underwent group training to work with EDMS. As of October, 2017, a system works in the normal mode, designer's service did not reveal any problems in its functioning.