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Rissoft implemented the workflow system in Clinic No. 4 Federal State Institution

Customers: Clinic No. 4 of the Head of the Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation

Contractors: Rissoft
Product: EDocLib (EOS Group)
На базе: Oracle Database 11g

Project date: 2010/12  - 2010/12
The project team from the customerIntegrator Consultant
не указана
Sorokin Pavel (Manager)

Clinic No. 4 Federal State Institution of the Head of the Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation implemented an electronic document management system Case.

As the company integrator the RisSoft company working with the sphere of selection of optimal programs for business acted. The staff of RisSoft performed all works on setup of a system, customization of processes and also provided training.

Clinic No. 4 Federal State Institution the Head of the Presidential Property Management Department of the Russian Federation is unique treatment and prevention facility, being essentially family as within the walls of its medical care the adults and children attached to clinic at the same time receive.

For ensuring effective work with documents the management of Clinic No. 4 Federal State Institution made the decision to implement an electronic document management system. The staff of the company of Rissoft booked audit of the organization, and revealed the processes, most important for the customer, and the points of automation having the strongest influence on a company performance. After assessment of more than 30 solutions presented at the Russian market for workflow automation the software product Case was selected.

In the course of implementation the specifics of work of medical institution were considered. New cards of documents, standard routes and reports, taking into account requirements to the similar organizations were created.